Recent Newspaper Articles in English and Other Languages

"The labour market in Ukraine: Rebuild better"
with G. Anastasia, M. Kudiyak and O. Zholud, VOX, 26/01/2023

"Trump, Berlusconi, and the damage by entrepreneurs to economic policy"
with R. Perotti, VOX, 21/01/2021, published also in  "Visbending" on 29/01 (in icelandic)

"Mitigating the work-security trade-off whilr re booting the economy"
with A. Caiumi and M. Paccagnella, VOX, 09/04/2020

The Roots of Discontent: Tito Boeri interviews Raghuram G. Rajan
Project Syndacate, 28/06/2019

Populism and Civil Society
with P. Mishra, C. Papaeorgiou and A. Spilimbergo, VOX, 11/01/2019 

A tale of two Italies

Increases in the Retirement Age and Labour Demand for Youth
with P. Garibaldi and E. Moen, VOX, 8/09/2016

Saving European Social Security from the Populists
Project Syndicate, 19/05/2016

A forward-looking Pension Pact
Handelsblatt, 11/02/2016

Immigrants, residential concentration and employment in eight Italian cities,
with M. De Philippis, E. Patacchini and M. Pellizzari, VOX, 24/11/2015

What can Europe Do? An Interview to Tito Boeri
IPE - Investment and Pensions Europe Magazine, Sept. 2015

The elusive quest for labour market reforms
with J.F Jimeno, VOX, 27/07/2015. Translated into Spanish and published in NADA ES GRATIS, 14/09/2015

Labour and finance in the aftermath of the Great recession
with P. Garibaldi and E.R. Moen, VOX, 19/03/2015

A European mobility assistance scheme
with H. Bruecker, VOX, 22/04/2014

Im Teufelskreis der Kredite
Handesblatt, 13/08/2013

Italy needs to solve the crisi of its political class (with L. Guiso)
Financial Times, 27/02/2013

Match fixing in European football
LSE Blog

A no-further-bailouts principle (20/07/2012)

Papi's Tax (4/10/2011)

Italy's confidence crisis: Bad policy from bad politicians (17/08/2011)

Reforming Schengen is the wrong response to the Lampedusa crisis (29/04/2011)

Saving jobs or saving institutions? (16/12/2011)

Ending the scourge of dual labour markets in Europe (12/07/2010)
with S.Bentolila and P.Cahuc, VOX, quoted by Stephen Findler in The Wall Street Journal

Merkel zoegert, desto hoener die Rechnung
Handelsblatt, 28/04/2010

Europe's Lost Decade (23/03/2010)
Project Syndacate

Saving's Europe's Lost Generation of Workers (9/12/2009)
Project Syndacate

It's Immigration, Stupid! (23/06/2009)

What the G20 should do about bankers' bonuses (01/04/2009)

Involving European citizens in the benefits of the rescue plan: the political paradoxes of bank socialism (15/10/2008)

An embarassing admission (29/12/2008)
Financial Times

Europe's bail.out must be taxpayer friendly (15/10/2008)
Financial Times
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All fear, no hope (06/08/2008)
The Wall Street Journal

Delirium tremons (03/08/2008)

Three challenges for Silvio IV (22/05/2008)

Three big challenges for the Berlusconi cabinet (21/05/2008)
Financial Times
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The paradox of disappearing European employment (23/04/2008)

Europe is caught mid-river in labour reforms (16/01/2008)
Financial Times
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Italian budget: how to squander the revenue surplus (19/11/2007)
Europe EcoMonitor

Subprime crisis: Greenspan's day (23/08/2007)
with Luigi Giuso

Italian pensions: it's not the last sigarette, maybe not even the second-to-last (16/08/2007)
with Agar Brugiavini

New protectionism and unskilled workers: the reasons behind the French dressing of the Treaty (08/07/2007)

Italy's new multi-year budget plan (04/07/2007)
with Pietro Garibaldi, VOX

Migration and welfare (11/06/2007)

Pension funds as investors (16/05/2007)
with Lans Bovenberg, VOX

Dealing with the new giants: rethinking the role of pension funds (30/04/2007)
with Lans Bovenberg, Benoit Coeuré and Andrew Roberts, VOX

Italy's return to political paralysis (04/04/2007)
with Tabellini Guido, VOX

Italy's Accounting Miracle (28/11/2006)
with Tabellini Guido, Wall Street Journal,
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Italie: les reformes, c'est maintenant ou jamais (21/09/2006)
with Pietro Garibaldi, Telos

Letters to the Editor: Data Doubts and Migration Policy (11/09/2006)
with Herbert Bruecker, Financial Times

German needs a technical caretaker Government (28/09/2005)
with Micael Castanheira, Financial Times

It Makes Economic Sense to Open Borders (10/06/2005)
with Herbert Bruecker, Financial Times
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Wolfowitz: Let's Change the Rules!(29/03/2005)
Financial Times,
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The Immigration Game (1/02/2005)
The Project Syndacate

Lost in Translation (2005)
Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy, Vol. 40/2005, p. 60
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A Light Green Paper
Project Syndacate, published, inter alia, by Le Monde
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Migration Matters (11/11/2004)
The Wall Street Journal
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Opinion on What is Your Highest Priority or Fondest Hope for the Next US Administration? (26/10/2004)
Herald Tribune
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Saving the stability Pact from itself (2004)
with Tabellini Guido, Project Syndicate, published inter alia by Daily Times and Le Monde
download (Daily Times) (131757 bytes)
download (Le Monde) (148094 bytes)

Rome's Mission: Impossible (30/07/2004)
The Wall Street Journal
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The myth of the Leisure-Loving European (04/06/2004)
with Tabellini Guido, Financial Times
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High Fences make Bad Neighbors in Europe (09/03/2004)
Project Syndicate, published inter alia by Le Monde



Last change 02/02/2023