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Presentations & Discussions
- "The Big Gamble: the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and Italy in the EU", SAIS Europe 69th Annversary Lecture, Bologna, February 19th, 2024
Panel discussion at the CReAM 20th Anniversary Workshop, Nizza Monferrato, September 1st, 2022. - WBG event on Migration, June 15, 2022
- "The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis", online conference organized by Georgetown University, April 26, 2022
- "The credibility revolution: a scientific approach to economic policy", 22/11/2021
"25 Years of Temporary Employment", with P. Garibaldi, 16th EACES Conference, Belgrade, 14/09/2021. Presented also at the IOS-IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar in Moscow, 18/01/2022 - Video interview for the Opening Conference of the Europe Youth Debate, Milan, 11/04/2019
- Opening of the 2018 Academic Year of the Accedemia Scienze Lettere Arti di Modena
- The New Labor Slack and Wage Dynamics, Eurogroup meeting, Sofia, 27/04/2018
- Brexit Lunchtime Lecture "Populism, Mobility and PortabilityPopulism, Mobility and Portability", London School of Economics, London 1 March 2017
- 2016 MEF Lecture, Naples 5 July 2016
- Opening lecture at the Bank of England conference on "Understanding the Great Recession: from Micro to Macro", London 23 September 2015
- Presentation at Bruegel Annual Meeting on "A Stress Test at the Northern and Souther Barriers", Bruxelles 8/09/2015.
- Panel session at EALE-SOLE Conference 2015, Montreal, 26 June 2015
- Presentation at "ECB Forum on Central Banking", Sintra, 21-23 May 2015. The PDF of the proceedings is available here.
- Public Lecture at London School of Economics "A Stress test of the Welfare State", London, 2 February 2015. Click http://www.lse.ac.uk/newsAndMedia/videoAndAudio/channels/publicLecturesAndEvents/player.aspx?id=2868 here to listen the Lecture in podcast.
- Discussion of Two Puzzles, Ecole Politéchnique, Paris, 23 January 2015.
- Lecture on "Reforms under Stress" at the Annual Conference of the Norwegian Economic Association, University of Oslo, 13 January 2015.
- Presentation at LSE Conference on "Trade Unions, Inequality and Pay Stagnation", London, 12-13 December 2014
- Discussion of "The effect of the free movement of persons on the distribution of wages in Switzerland" by T.Muller and R.Graf, IV OECD-CEPII-fRDB Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries, Paris, 8 December 2014.
- Lecture at the European Investment Bank, Luxembourg, 10 December 2014.
- Seminar at the Ecole Politechnique, Paris, 2 December 2014.
- Presentation at the Bundesbank Conference on "Labour Markets and the Crisis", Eltville, 13 June 2014.
- Presentation at the Annual CEP Conference, 20 May 2014.
- Presentation at the Symposium on "Growth and Employment in Europe", Athens, 12 May 2014.
- Presentation at the IZA Conference on "A minimun wage for Germany?", Berlin, 20 March 2014.
- Lecture at University of Geneva on "How to combine the entry of young people in the labor market with retention of older workers", Geneva, 13 March 2014.
- Lecture for the opening of the Academic Year at Ateneo Veneto, Venice, 7 March 2014.
- Discussion of "The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows" by Bertoli et al., 3rd CEPII-OECD Immigration Conference, Paris, 6 December 2013
- Presentation at the Forum for Economic Dialogue, Zurich, 18 November 2013.
- Presentation at CEPR Conference on "Growth in Mature Economies", Modena, 7 November 2013.
- Presentation at the Bertelsmann Stiftung Conference on "Automatic Stabilizers for the Eurozone", Brussels, 11 October 2013.
- Presentation at the IZA/VEF Workshop on "A European Labor Market with Full Employment, More Income Security and Less Income Inequalityt", Bonn, July 11 2013.
- Parliamentary hearing at the Commissione Lavoro of the Camera dei Deputati, 26 giugno 2013.
- Presentation on "Labor and Finance", CompNet Workshop at ECB, Frankfurt 24-25 June 2013.
- Presentation "The Economics of severance Pay", Banco de Portugal Conference on Labor Market, Praia d'El Rey 15-16 June 2013.
- Presentation "Generation Indebted Jobless", EBRD Annula Meeting, Istanbul 9 May 2013.
- Presentation at the workshop of Noise-from-Amerika, Florence, February 16 2013.
- Presentation at AEA-ASSA Annual Meeting in San Diego, January 6 2013.
- Keynote speech at the ILO conference on labor market segmentation, Geveva, December 10 2012.
- Presentation at the INTERPOL Global Academic Experts Meeting for Integrity in Sport, Singapore 28-29 2012.
- Presentation at the Bank of Greece on "Minimum Wage Determination", Athens, November 27 2012.
- Keynote speech at the Amse-Banque de France conference on "Labor Markets, Institutions and Reforms" in Marseille, November 16 2012.
- Presentation at Jacques Pollack Research Conference, IMF Washington, November 9 2012.
- Presentation at CEMFI, Madrid, October 18 2012.
- Presentation at Invited session of the EALE conference in Bonn, September 22 2012.
- Hearing at the Italian Senate on the "Tax Reform", Rome, February 29 2012.
- "Reducing Youth Unemployment and Dualism", Seoul, December 16 2011.
- "Moving to Segregation: Evidence from 8 Italian Cities", presentations in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, December 2011.
- Hearing at the Dutch Parliament on "Migration: predictions, outcomes, and fiscal impact", The Hague, May 18 2011.
- Lecture "Per tornare a crescere", Scuola Galileiana di Padova, 29 April 2011.
- Public Lecture on "Migration and Welfare State", University of Luxembourg, 1 April 2011.
- Do we need more flexibility and more security?, EU Conference on the Future of European Labor Markets, 10 March 2011.
- Discussion of "The Ideological and Political Roots of American Inequality" by John Roemer, 1st Gini conference, Milan, 4 February 2011.
- Dualism: Finance and the Great Recession, Fundacion Ramon Areces, Madrid, 2 February 2011.
- Is It the Right Model?, SZW-CPB Conference on the Danish Model, The Hague, 19 January 2011.
- Labour Market Reforms, Dualism and the Financial Crisis, Lecture at Oecd-Banque de France Workshop on "Structural Reforms, Crisis, Exit Strategies and Growth", Paris, 9-10 December 2010.
- Saving Jobs or Saving Institutions?, Hearing at the European Parliament Hearing, Brussels, 7 December 2010.
- Discussion of the paper "Who Creates Jobs? Small vs. Large vs. Young" by Haltiwanger, Jarmin and Miranda, Conference on Labor Markets After the Great Recession, Federal Reserve, Philadelphia, 3-4 December 2010.
- The Labor Market Consequences of Averse Financial Shocks (with Pietro Garibaldi), World Bank Workshop, Washington, 19 November 2010.
- 13th Kurt W. Rothschild Lecture on Migration to the Land of Redistribution, Linz, 21 October 2010.
- Pension Reforms and Women Retirement Plans, Colloque sur l'emploi des seniors organized by DARES, Paris, 14 October 2010.
- Keynote speech Create a Port of Entry to Stable Jobs, OECD Policy Forum on Jobs for Youth, Oslo, 20 September 2010.
- Labour Market Segmentation: Spain and Beyond, IMF-Bank of Spain Conference on Labour Market, Madrid, 11 May 2010.
- Institutional reforms and Dualism in European Labour Markets, keynote lecture at the Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Luxembourg, 15 April 2010.
- Discussion of the paper on "Cultural Integration in Italy" by Bisin and Patacchini, Delta, Paris, 18 December 2009.
- "The Political Economy of Flexicurity, (with Ignacio Conde-Ruiz and Vincenzo Galasso), IZA Workshop on Unemployment Insurance and Flexicurity, Bonn, 11-12 December 2009.
- Discussion of the paper on "Incentive Effects of Unemployment Insurance Saving Accounts: Evidence from Chile" by Reyes Hartly, van Ours and Vodopivec, IZA Workshop on Unemployment Insurance and Flexicurity, Bonn, 11-12 December 2009.
- Una via d'uscita dal dualismo: il contratto unico e le altre riforme del mercato del lavoro, public speech with Pietro Garibaldi at the Italian Senate of the Republic, Rome, 16 December 2009.
- La riforma mancante, "La crisi del welfare e il sistema previdenziale italiano" conference in memory of Prof. Ononorato CAstellino, Turin, 11 December 2009.
- Is Social Security Secure with NDC?, (with Vincenzo Galasso), "NDC Systems: Progess and New Frontiers in a Changing Pension World" Conference, Stockholm, 2-4 December 2009.
- La crisi non è uguale per tutti, Dialoghi sull'Economia e il Management, Università di Padova, 18 November 2009.
- Two-tier after the crisis: skipping a generation?, IZA Employment Seminar on "The current crisis and the labour market", Brussels, 12 November 2009.
- Discussion of the paper on "Minimun Wages and Employment in France and the United States" by Abowd, Kramarz, Margolis and Philippon, IZA Conference, Berlin, 21-23 June 2009.
- Discussion of the paper on "Transition Fatigue" by Rovelli e Zaiceva, Structural Reforms without Prejudices", Milan, 12 march 2009.
- Lectio Magistralis su Capitale Umano e Nuovo Lavoro, Fondazione Alma Mater, Bologna, 5 marzo 2009.
- Flexicurity: do they know how to get there" Opening Conference on ReflecT, Tilburg University, 29 January 2009.
- Discussion of the paper on "Return Migration as a Channel of Brain Gain" by Mayr and Peri, Globalisation and the Brain Drain - Theory, Evidence and Policy, Tel Aviv, 9-11 December 2008.
- Discussion of the paper on "The Euro and Firm Restructuring" by Bugamelli, Schivardi and Zizza, Banca d'Italia, 27 November 2008.
- Discussion of the paper on "Labour and Income Effects of Caregiving across Europe" by Casado-Marin et al., Symposium Moneda y Credito, Madrid, 14 November 2008.
- Beyond Eurosclerosis", XXIII Economic Policy Meeting, Paris, 23-24 October 2008.
- Invited opening lecture at the XXIII Congress of the Italian Association of
Labour Economists, Brescia 11-12 September 2008. - Capturing Talent: A European Approach, 7th Munich Economic Summit, Munich, 5-6 June 2008.
- AIAS 10° Anniversary Lecture on The Political Economy of Flexicurity, Amsterdam, 17 April 2008.
- First Willem Duisenberg Lecture, University of Amsterdam, February 28
2008 (video). - Recent Migration Trends: Lessons for the Baltics, high-level conference on "Convergence in the Baltics" organized by IMF and Eesti Pank in Brussels, 1 February 2008.
- Discussion of "Two Italian Puzzles: Are Productivity Growth and Competitiveness Really so Depressed" by Lorenzo Codogno.
- Chi ha paura dei fondi pensione?, (with Luigi Zingales) at the conference by Anima-FINLab on "TFR e fondi pensione: paura di volare?", Milan, 6 ottobre 2007.
- Keynote speech International Conference of the German Political Economy
Association, Nuremberg, 13 October 2007. - La risorsa in più, Centro Studi di Confindustria, 18 dicembre 2006.
- International Migration Challenges for Europe, EPRU Conference, Copenhagen November 30 2006.
- Behind the Job Miracle, DARES-OECD Colloquia.
- La réévaluation de la stratégie de l’OCDE pour l’emploi : diagnostic, limites et enseignements pour la France, Paris 16 November 2006.
- Information and the Political Obstacles to Pension Reforms, Lecture at the Finnish Economic Association, Helsinki 9 November 2006.
- Ombre e luci", comments on Rapporto ICE on "Italia e Commercio Internazionale", Roma 7 novembre 2006.
- Globalization and Welfare Policy, SNS Conference, Stockholm October 4 2006.
- Discussion of "Exposure to Foreign Media and Changes in Cultural Traits: Evidence from Naming Patterns in France" by Anna-Celia Disdier, Keith Head and Thierry Mayer, Paris June 30-July 1 2006.
- Discussion of "Prejudice and Gender Differentials in the U.S. Labor Market in the Last Twenty Years" by Luca Flabbi, Milan 9 June 2006.
- Dealing with the New Giants, ICMB Geneva Conference, Geneva, 5 May 2006.
- Migration Policy and the Welfare State NETSPAR Conference on Reinventing the Welfare State, The Hague, 27-28 April 2006.
- Do Unemployment Benefits Promote or Hinder Structural Change?, EBRD Tokyo Conference, Tokyo, 1-4 April 2006.
- Discussion of "The Labour Market Impact of Immigration" by George Borjas, Bruegel Migration Workshop, Brussels, 21 March 2006.
- Growth, Labour Market and Migration, OECD Workshop on Global Convergence, Paris, 16 January 2006.
- Playing MP with MP, IZA Prize Conference, Frontiers in Labour Economics, Berlin, 23-24 October 2005.
- EU Needs a Co-Ordinated Migration Policy, 20th Anniversary of Economic Policy, London, 20 October 2005.
- Discussion of "The Roots of Low European Employment: Family Culture?" by Yann Algan and Pierre Cahuc, ISOM 2005, Budapest, 17-18 June 2005.
- Are Labour Markets in the New Member States Sufficiently Flexible for EMU?, ECB/CEPR Labour Market Workshop 2005 on "Labour Market in an Enlarged European Union: What Would Raise Employment", Frankfurt am Main, 21 June 2005.
- Population Changes and International Competitivenenss, International Conference on "Trends and Problems of the World Population in the 21st Century. 50 Years since Rome 1954", Rome 26 May 2005.
Last change 21/02/2024