Service to the Academy

Associate Editor

  • Journal of Product Innovation Management (2020-present)
  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2018-present)
  • International Journal of Research in Marketing (2020- present)


Editorial Board

  • Journal of Product Innovation Management (2017-2020)
  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2015-2018)
  • Journal of International Marketing (2012-present)


Special Issue Editor

  • Contemporary Marketing Strategy Research: New Perspectives for the Digital Economy, International Journal of Research in Marketing (2022) with Kapil Tuli (Singapore Management University) and Stefan Wuyts (Penn State)
  • Advancing Broad and Deep Understanding in Innovation Management: Meta-analyses and Literature Reviews, Journal of Product Innovation Management (2022) with Charles Noble (University of Tennessee), Jelena Spanjol (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), and Ahmet H. Kirca (Michigan State University)



Leadership Role in Academic Organizations

  • Member of the Search Committee for theEditor of the Journal of International Marketing (2018)
  • Member of the Academic Council of the Product Development Management Association (the Association publishes the Journal of Product Innovation Management)
  • Member of the Committee for the Internationalization, Italian Marketing Association


Doctoral Competition Chair

  • Chair of the 2022 PDMA Dissertation Proposal Competition
  • EMAC Marketing Strategy, Advanced Track, Co-Chair (2022)
  • PDMA Shark Tank, Co-Chair (2021)
  • EMAC Marketing Strategy, Beginner Track, Chair (2021)
  • Chair of the 2016 PDMA Dissertation Proposal Competition
  • 2015-2021: Founder and organizer of the Italian Doctoral & Research Colloquium, sponsored by the Italian Marketing Association


Ad Hoc Reviewer

  • Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Marketing Research
  • Strategic Management Journal
  • Journal of Service Research


Conference Track Chair

  • 2020: AMA Summer Conference: Platform and Sharing Economies
  • 2017 AMA Winter Conference
  • 2017 EMAC: Innovation & New Product and Service Development Track
  • 2016 EMAC: Innovation & New Product and Service Development Track
  • 2013 AMA Winter Conference: New Product Development, Product Management and Entrepreneurship Track
  • 2010 AMA Summer Conference: New Product Development, Product Management and Entrepreneurship Track


Conference Session Chair

AMA Summer Conferences, AMA Winter Conferences, 2011 AMA Global Marketing Special Interest Group Conference


Conference Reviewer

Academy of Marketing Science Conferences, AMA Summer Conferences, AMA Winter Conferences, EMAC Conferences


Grant Reviewer

  • ERC Starting Grants
  • Hong Kong Research Grant Council
Last change 17/03/2022