2013-2014 A.Y.
Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)
To be admitted to the graduation session students must have earned all credits for the educational activities provided for in the program structure, except for the credit points for the final exam. The final paper preparation stages are the following:
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Contents of the final paper
The final paper is a concise paper which develops a topic which may be purely theoretical or supported by empirical evidence, taking as a starting point work experience (internships) or study periods in Italy or abroad (preferably abroad for BIEMF students). Last change 05/05/2014 12:37 |
Assignment of the final paper
The Graduation application procedures process is structured into the following phases:
The student who does not complete all the phases of the Graduation application procedure cannot be admitted in the graduation session.
Università Bocconi offers assistance at the Secretary’s Office of the Undergraduate School (Location Table). Last change 06/05/2014 12:06 |
Assigning the title of the final paper
Final paper title assignment can be made only if the student is enrolled in the third year of studies.
The information entered on the Punto Blu are immediately made available to the Tutor Professor who, via web, continues with assignment of the final paper title. Upon title assignment the student receives a notification via yoU@B Diary and can continue with the following phases of the Graduation Application procedures. Any change on the title entered If the student wishes to modify the data relating to the title entered only, he/she must use the function Graduation Application procedure>Change title: in this case, if done already, the final paper title assignment by the tutor professor is still valid. Any cancellation of the title entered If the student wishes to modify the tutor professor and enter a new title, must use the function Graduation application procedures>Cancel title: in this case he/she must repeat the whole procedure of title entering and must wait the title assignment by the new tutor professor. Uploading Final paper attachments Only upon approval of the Tutor Professor to a specific request, the student can forward NON DEFINITIVE files of his/her work (e.g. single chapters of temporary sections) by using the appropriate function ‘Final paper attachments’ available on the Punto Blu. The attached files, as soon as they are uploaded, are made available to the professor. NOTICE: uploading the files in ‘Final paper attachment’ function DOES NOT replace the upload of one-definitive file which MUST be made in any case by using the function ‘Final paper title Information completion’>Final paper final attachment Once the title has been assigned by the tutor professor, the student can:
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Graduation reservation
NOTICE: the first graduation session available for students enrolled in the third year of studies in the 2013-2014 academic year will be held in July 2014. Students can make the graduation reservation via Punto Blu function "Graduation>Graduation-Application Procedure>Graduation Reservation" by reserving a graduation session from the Graduation Calendar.
*Students are suggested to pay the graduation fee around one month before making the graduation reservation.
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Entering the information to complete the title - upload the definitive attachment
After having completed the first phases of the graduation application procedure, the graduating student must enter via the web -all information still missing to complete the title of the final paper. Through the function Graduation>Application procedure>’Final paper title information completion’ the student:
In addition, once the data entered have been confirmed,
The students must upload the definitive file of the final paper by the dates specified in the graduation calendars published on the website at www.unibocconi.eu/graduationcalendar. In addition, once the definitive file has been uploaded and the approval has been requested on the Punto Blu, changes are no longer possible. The information entered and the final attachment of the final paper uploaded on the Punto Blu are immediately made available for being viewed by the tutor professor.
The text of one’s work (index,introduction, contents and so on) must start after the 4 pages above. Last change 06/05/2014 12:01 |
Approval request
The approval is the declaration of approval released by the professor regarding the final paper written by the student and it represent the final phase of the Graduation application procedures and a prerequisite for the student for being admitted in the graduation session.
The student can request the approval when:
The approval request must be carried out via the Punto Blu upon selecting the function ‘Graduation>Application procedure>Request approval by the dates specified in the graduation calendar published on the website at www.unibocconi.eu/graduationcalendar. Last change 06/05/2014 12:02 |
Format specifications
The Final Paper must be uploaded in one complete file only in PDF format, and the name of the file is LF followed by the student ID e.g. if the student ID is 1234567 the name of the file is LF1234567.PDF
It is not possible to use the Università Bocconi seal on the cover sheet or within the Final Paper. Last change 28/05/2014 10:41 |
Admission to the graduation session
Once the period for making the graduation reservation has ended, the Study Plan Office will verify that:
Final papers will be submitted to the Degree Assessment Board only if all of the criteria to graduate above are fulfilled. After reserving a graduation session students can no longer enrol in the new academic year unless they cancel the graduation session that they have reserved. If the graduation reservation is made when the deadline is expired, this must be done by handing in the renouncement in writing to the Academic Affairs Division Desk. After enrolling in the academic year and paid the fees and tuition due, it is possible to carry out a new graduation reservation. Last change 04/09/2014 11:38 |
Awarding of the graduation grade
The graduation grade is awarded by the Degree Assessment Board. Students are not required to make an oral dissertation of their final paper. The Degree Assessment Boards are appointed by the Rector or by his delegates, and are presided over by a tenured professor. The Boards are comprised of professors, researchers and experts in the subject of the final paper. The Boards are made up of at least 3 members, shared out as follows: 2 teachers, one of which is elected President, from the Department which has supervised the final papers, and a teacher outside the Department.
to which is added:
Points earned for both activities are not cumulative. With reference to the "GPA" it should be noted that:
With reference to the quality of the final paper it should be noted that:
Based on the points proposed by the teacher following the final paper the Board assesses the quality of the final paper. The minimum graduation grade is 66 and the maximum grade is 110. The Board calculates the rounding of the graduation grade; if the decimal is equal to or higher than 5, then the graduation grade is rounded up, if the decimal is lower than 5 it is rounded down.
the points awarded for the quality of the final paper are at least 3 points. Last change 05/05/2014 13:17 |
Results released
During the working days immediately following the meeting of the Degree Assessment Board, graduates receive a personalized notification of their graduation grade and information about the graduation ceremony through the student Diary. Last change 10/06/2013 11:26 |
Graduation certifications and self-declarations
In general, from the following days after the publication of graduation results, graduates can:
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Graduation ceremonies
The graduation ceremonies are generally organized according to Bachelor Program and are led by the Program Director or his/her delegate in the presence of the graduates and their families and friends. At the ceremony graduates are awarded their degree diplomas. The video of the ceremony will be available, together with the pisctures, on the yoU@B Diary. The Graduation Ceremony Calendar can be consulted on the website in the section dedicated to graduations.
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Graduation sessions
The Graduation Calendar is displayed on the University Internet site at www.unibocconi.eu/graduationcalendar. The following information is given:
and, in the specific section of the website:
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