2013-2014 A.Y.
Master of Science Programs (2-y)
First year procedures, rules and administrative deadlines
Last change 01/06/2013 08:00 |
Choice of foreign languages
The choice of the foreign languages and the level of the course must be carried out in the first year of studies through the yoU@B Diary by accessing to the Punto Blu-Administrative Area>Language Choice from 8 to 21 January 2014. Last change 25/07/2013 12:31 |
Curricular choices and modification, first year courses: M, CLAPI, ACME, EMIT, DES/ESS
From 8-21 January 2014, through the yoU@B, by accessing the Punto Blu>Study Plan, students enrolled in some Master of Science programs must choose the curriculum or courses chosen by the students of the II semester, first year, for each Master of Science program following the indications below:
Economia e management delle amministrazioni pubbliche e delle istituzioni internazionali [Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions] (CLAPI)
Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology (EMIT)
Discipline economiche e sociali (DES) - Economic and Social Sciences (ESS)
Such choices can be modified when enrolling in the following academic year; please note that in this case the courses changed will be included in the second year study plan in order to allow students to attend the lessons. Therefore sitting exams for these courses can take place only after the end of the semester in which second year courses are held. Last change 05/12/2013 12:25 |