2013-2014 A.Y.
Master of Science Programs (2-y)
Credit for exams passed at universities abroad
Students enrolled in MSc programs may obtain credit for exams (marks and credit points) taken abroad as part of the International Exchange, AEEP, Campus Abroad (*), Master CEMS-MIM and Double Degree programs, which are promoted and co-ordinated by the Offices of the Study Abroad and Global Alliances (see "Studying abroad") of the Markets and External Affairs Division and Free-Mover Semester.
(*) Exams passed as part of the Campus Abroad program, which is also coordinated by the Markets and External Affairs Division International Relations do not require the phase of the exam recognition as they are considered as Bocconi exams.
Last change 24/07/2013 14:59 |
Credit approval procedure for exams taken as part of Exchange, AEEP and Free-Mover Semester and Master CEMS-MIM programs
Recognition of exams taken as part of the Exchange, AEEP, Master CEMS-MIM and Free-Mover Semester Programs is not usually automatic and depends on the following credit approval procedure. After having been selected (Exchange, AEEP, Campus Abroad, Master CEMS-MIM) or authorized by the Study Abroad Office (Free Mover Semester Program) and before departure, students seeking credit must present the request of authorization for having the courses they wish to attend abroad recognized to the Bocconi Professors and/or their Program Director. The in-advance authorization, along with the program of the foreign course, must be sent to the Course Director of the corresponding Bocconi course through the yoU@B Diary, link 'Request of recognition of exams taken abroad'. If the course is not corresponding to the ones taught , the request of authorization will be sent to their Program Director or one of his/her delegates. The request of recognition of a foreign course with a Bocconi one (with or without correspondence) DOES NOT anticipate any request of study plan change/choice, which must be made in accordancxe with timelines and rules specified at paragraph 9.2.7 "Change of study plan for students parecipating in international programs". For the recognition of the courses students must take into account the rules of the program structure on the courses subject groups. At the end of the period of mobility, the Office of reference (Study Abroad Office for the Exchange Program, AEEP and Free-Mover Semester, Global Alliances Office for the CEMS-MIM Programs) receives the academic transcript from the host university abroad. Based on this document and the student's request (to be forwarded through the 'Academic Recognition' box in the yoU@B student Diary), the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" and, for courses that are not automatically validated, "Individual Exam Report" will be prepared. These will be used for exam conversion. In case of exams taken at other universities, Bocconi students are assigned the mark awarded by the university where the exam was originally taken. If the original marks are expressed in different numerical scales or in letters, they are converted to marks out of thirty on the basis of the specific conversion table. Two or more exam taken abroad can be recognized together to cover a Bocconi exam upon approval of the Course Director of the Bocconi course or by the Program Director. An exam taken abroad cannot be used to cover two or more Bocconi exams. Students can also recognize a maximum of three additional exams (see paragraph 9.2.9 Additional Courses). All additional exams are counted in the grade point average; if more of two exams are taken, the two highest grades are considered into the grade point averegae and if the grades are the same, those worth more credit points are considered. Through the yoU@B students can also modify their Bocconi study plan accordingly (they are allowed to make this change only once). For courses that are not automatically validated, the Course Director (or the Master of Science Program Director or his/her delegate) will send the "Individual Exam Report" to the Study Planning Office. Last change 26/07/2013 16:54 |
Credit for exams taken as part of the Campus Abroad Program
Credit is granted for all exams taken as part of the Campus Abroad Program. Last change 01/06/2013 08:00 |
Credit approval procedure for exams taken as part of Double Degree Program
Concerning the Double Degree Program:
Students must go to the Master of Science Program Director with the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" and "Individual Exam Report" in order to have the exam mark recorded. Exam registration via Punto Blu is not necessary. Last change 18/07/2013 15:45 |