2011-2012 A.Y.
Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)
Foreign Languages
Last change 01/06/2011 08:00 |
The Common European Framework
To classify language competence levels, Università Bocconi follows the Common European Framework established by the Council of Europe.
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Program structure position
The program requirements of all Bachelor programs in the "Management" and "Economics" fields of study (respectively 17 and L-18, 28 and L-33) include a first and a second European Union language.
Students earn the above credits upon passing the exam. Last change 27/07/2011 16:38 |
Method of choosing foreign languages
The choice of foreign languages follows the same criteria for both first and second languages. This depends on:
If students have more than one mother tongue language (e.g., coming from or residing in a multilingual Country or living with parents from two different nationalities) they must choose one language as their mother tongue language for the whole duration of their studies. English is always taken as the first language for students who are not English native speakers and it is:
Italian can be taken as either the first or second language for students who are not Italian native speakers and it is:
The table below shows first and second language availability:
(*)Students whose mother tongue is English must choose from the other curricular languages. The language course codes are: for students initially enrolled starting from the 2009-2010 academic year
for students initially enrolled up to the 2008-2009 academic year
First-year students will have English assigned automatically as their first language in their study plan. Last change 20/07/2011 14:05 |
Exit levels
The minimum exit levels are:
(*) Students state the exit level when registering for the final exam (second year) at Punto Blu regardless of the study path. In the same way students choose the level of the first-year exam. Last change 01/06/2011 08:00 |
Languages in the Dual Degree Central European University (CEU) - Universita' Bocconi
Students enrolled in the Dual Degree Central European University (CEU) - Università Bocconi must adhere to specific rules:
For non-native speakers of English and non-native speakers of Italian the choice is compulsory:
For native speakers of English the first foreign language may be chosen from one of the following European Union languages: French, Portuguese, Spanish, German. For native speakers of Italian the second foreign language may be chosen from one of the European Union languages: French, Portuguese, Spanish, German. Exit levelsThe European Council exit levels are: English first language C1 Italian second language B1 For native speakers of English the first language exit level for French, Portuguese, Spanish, or German is B2. For native speakers of Italian the second language exit level for French, Portuguese or Spanish is B1, the second language exit level for German is A2. Last change 20/07/2011 14:07 |
The language learning path
The educational activities designed to assist students in learning foreign languages offered by the Language Centre can be divided in 2 main areas: A. classroom teaching; B. guided individual study. A. Classroom teaching The teaching activities are organized by the Language Centre and include curricular courses for both first and second languages. Generally lessons are offered if there is a sufficient number of students. First language
For English
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Initial evaluation of English and Italian
In order to have the correct learning path assigned, all non-English native speakers enrolled in class groups taught in Italian must assess their initial level of English knowledge, according to one of the methods below:
For information on language competence and knowledge required and self-study paths to be followed to reach the desired levels, check www.unibocconi.eu/languagecentre in "Minimum level required". Last change 28/07/2011 12:08 |
Method of assessing foreign language knowledge
Knowledge is assessed by one of the following methods:
For the purpose of registering international certifications in the academic career, certifications are valid for a period of 3 years from the date they were obtained (except for some international tests which are valid for less time, see www.unibocconi.eu/languagecentre in Exams-Certificates).
Bocconi exam With regard to the first language, the first-year exam is a prerequisite of the second-year exam. For the second language there is one final exam (compulsory) and also one partial exam (optional) which is scheduled for the first semester of the third year (for information on partial exams check the website at www.unibocconi.eu/languagecentre in Language Teaching). Exams are prepared in accordance with the same language standards relating to international certifications. In addition to the final exam results, language assessment also takes into consideration the learning progress made specifically:
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Foreign languages as additional exam
Also foreign languages can be recorded as additional exams. With reference to the additional curricular languages it is specified that:
In addition students can record in their study plan, only as an additional course, also Russian, which is a non curricular language. For the recording of Russian:
*Notice that Russian is not included in the educational offer, therefore there are no Bocconi exam or lessons. Last change 25/07/2011 16:05 |