Guides to the university

2008-2009 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)


1.1. The student kit

The student kit is made up of:

  • the unofficial academic transcript;
  • personalized Bocconi photo ID card;
  • password


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1.1.1. Student unofficial academic transcript

The unofficial academic transcript is a document that, once enrolment has been completed,contains the student's personal details and all the courses listed in the program structure.

Subsequently the transcript is updated with the dates and marks of exams passed.

The updated transcript - with dates and marks of exams passed - can be printed at anytime from Punto Blu terminals by selecting the UA option as explained in the "Punto Blu, Virtual Punto Blu and Internet points" section in this chapter.

The unofficial academic transcript can be used as a memo but not as a certification. On this transcript teachers may write the marks and dates of exams passed.

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1.1.2. Personalized Bocconi ID card

The personalized Bocconi photo ID card is an essential non-transferable personal document used:

  • as proof of identity in the University;
  • to sit exams;
  • to use IT rooms;
  • to use Punto Blu terminals located in the University;
  • to use the cafeteria;
  • to use the Library and to borrow books.

Last change 11/06/2008 09:04 Theft and loss of ID card

If the personalized photo ID card is lost or stolen you should immediately go to:

  • the Teaching Services and Organization Desk, (University building, via Sarfatti 25) in order to stop the card from being used by third parties;
  • the Library, in order to stop all book loans. Otherwise the original cardholder is obliged to replace any books borrowed.

Students can apply for a replacement card at the Teaching Services and Organization Desk by filling out the application form which can be used as a replacement request as well as a self-declaration of the theft/loss, in cases where the loss or theft report has not been handed in to the local Police or Carabinieri station. In this case a replacement fee is charged (for fees, consult the "Other costs" pdf file in the download area).

Last change 05/02/2009 11:53 Replacement of the ID card

If the magnetic strip of the Bocconi ID card no longer works or if the card is damaged students can have it immediately replaced free of charge.
Student who wish to request the replacement of their card must go to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk where they can request and obtain a duplicate of the card free of charge.

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1.1.3. Password


Once enrolled, students can use the same password as the one used to enroll online to access the services provided according to the timelines and procedures of each service which are explained in specific paragraphs.

Students may personalize the password in order to have two different ones:

  • the Virtual Punto Blu password which is also valid for:

          - activating the SMS service

  • the online services password, to:
    - access the yoU@B student diary;
    - access the Bocconi e-mail account;
    - access the WI-FI network;
    - access online learning activities (;
    - access the University network (IT rooms and IT labs).

The online services password may be changed via:

  • the yoU@B student diary;
  • the Webmail program (;
  • login functions to access the University website from an IT room for students.

The Virtual Punto Blu password may be changed via:

  • Punto Blu using the ID card; in this case the old password is not needed since the ID card identifies the student;
  • Virtual Punto Blu (; in this case the old password is required.

Therefore students who

  • don't change the initial password or
  • choose two identical passwords

use one password for all services.

For security reasons students are advised to have two passwords and to change them on a regular basis.


Loss of password

The online services password may be retrieved using the password recovery function in the yoU@B student diary.

In cases of lost or forgotten Virtual Punto Blu password, students:

  • may choose a new one via Punto Blu using their ID card;
  • may go to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk (ground floor of University building in via Sarfatti 25).

Punto Blu password requests can also be made via email to: The password will only be sent to the student's Bocconi email address.

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1.2. Punto Blu, Virtual Punto Blu and Internet points

Punto Blu is a self-service terminal that allows students to carry out some administrative activities regarding their student academic careers.

Virtual Punto Blu can be accessed via the Internet.

Students can access Punto Blu and Virtual Punto Blu once they have completed enrolment.

Students can choose the display language (Italian or English) to view the Punto Blu/Virtual PuntoBlu functions.

To access Punto Blu functions simply insert the Bocconi ID card into the appropriate slot and follow the step-by-step instructions.

To access the Virtual Punto Blu functions students must:

Internet points that provide restricted access to the Bocconi Internet site are located in the new University building (piazza Sraffa 13) and the entrance hall where the Teaching Services and Organization Desk is located.

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1.2.1. Functions available from Punto Blu and Virtual Punto Blu terminals


MS Student Menu (*)
PS Study Plan Menu (**)
MC Certification Menu (***)
CP Password Change
LI PuntoBlu Language Selection
IP Exam Registration
VI Exam Registration List
MI Change of temporary address
SL Expression of support for election groups

(*) Student menu

Available functions:

IS Enrolment in Academic Year
VT Display Thesis  Title
PL Graduation Reservation
SC Exchange Program
CA Campus Abroad Program
DD Double Degree Program
SF Financial Situation
BO Scholarships & Grants
RR Receipt Issue

(**) Study plan menu

Available functions:

SO Elective Courses Choice
GM Choice of currículum and I-Year - II Sem. MSc Courses
MO Elective Courses Change
CP Major/Curriculum Change
CL Change Foreign Language
VL Display Foreign Language Paths
VP Display Study Plan
MA Other Educational Activities - Change

(***) Automatic certification menu (NOT available from Virtual Punto Blu)

At the time the Guide was published, the following certifications documents could be printed:

In Italian
IS Iscrizione semplice
IC Iscrizione con carriera
TP Tasse pagate
BA Benefici e agevolazioni
CU Curriculum accademico
OL Orario lezioni
CP Calendario esami personalizzato

In English
EN Enrolment
OA Official Academic Transcript
FT Fees and Tuition Paid
FA Financial Aid
UA Unofficial Academic Transcript
CT Class Timetable
PT Personalized Exam Timetable

For further information about the rules and regulations regarding certifications, see "Certifications"

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1.3. YoU@B student diary

The yoU@B student diary is a service offered to all Bocconi students. Students can start using it from the first day after enrolment is completed. The yoU@B allows students to organize their own diary, receive information from various University Services, keep personal address books, keep notes, check dates, times and rooms for both exams and graduation sessions, check class timetables and so on.

The yoU@B student diary is available in both Italian and English. Students can change the yoU@B language at anytime.

Among the information and services available to students via yoU@B there are:

  • personalized class timetables: personalized class timetable that may be integrated by selecting courses which are not included in the study plan from the general class timetable;
  • exam timetables: personalized exam timetable that may be integrated by selecting exams which are not included in the study plan from the general exam timetable;
  • breakdown of students in the classrooms: for exams and partial exams;
  • daily room allocations:(for exams, partial exams and various activities);
  • exam results (on the condition that they have been sent to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk in electronic format);
  • various activities sign-up;
  • notices: such as messages from the Teaching Services and Organization Desk and other University Services;
  • online diary: to check one's lessons, exams and administrative deadlines, make appointments and insert events and personal notes;
  • contacts: (personal address book);

and, for graduating students:

  • the placement form;
  • the evaluation of university experience questionnaire;
  • information about graduation.

In addition, during the year and/or for special categories of students, specific functions and procedures can be available such as:

  • registration for modules for courses in which they are required;
  • ECDL exam enrolment and/or registration for ECDL;
  • signing up for supplementary activities.

How to access yoU@B

The yoU@B student diary can be accessed from the homepage of the Bocconi website at or at; users must log in.

For further information:

It is important to note that the yoU@B is the University's main communication tool used for informing students about teaching activities. Therefore, students are kindly asked to frequently check the messages received.


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1.4. Email

All currently enrolled students are given a Bocconi email account. Students can use this account free of charge. This service is provided by the University in collaboration with Webmail (

First-year students are automatically assigned an email address upon enrolment.

The Bocconi email address is composed of: personal ID +

Students may also use an alias address to help them in using their Bocconi email accounts.

Students must choose from among the automatically-proposed aliases the first time the yoU@B student diary is accessed. Nonetheless, both email addresses will remain active.

In order to ensure that the system functions correctly after choosing the alias, students should adjust the inbox options by following the "email settings" instructions. This information is available on the Bocconi site at

Students are kindly requested to periodically check their personal Bocconi email addresses in order to read the messages sent by the University.

For further information:
ASIT (Information Technology and Data Transmission Systems Area)

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1.5. SMS

The one-to-one interactive communication service, Bocconi-TIM SIM, allows students to access yoU@B and Virtual Punto Blu services from their mobile phones by simply sending and receiving SMS text messages. This service is activated free of charge for all Bocconi students, regardless of the telephone company used.

Students who activate the SMS service can receive messages from the University free of charge.

A user's guide is available on the internet site at:

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1.6. Personal computer

1.6.1. Internet points at the University

In order to offer wide access to the Bocconi Internet services, there are currently 450 web points located in the University buildings at via Sarfatti 25 and piazza Sraffa 13, which can be used by students to access their laptops with standard configurations.

Students with Wireless laptop connection can access the University Wi-Fi network where available (new University building and via Sarfatti 25).

In order to access these services students must follow the registration procedure.

For further information:

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1.6.2. IT rooms for students

3 rooms with a total of 169 personal computers connected to the University network are available to students (data refers to June 2008).

The computers can be used by students who are ready to write their final papers or degree theses, as well as for those who want to use data analysis programs, carry out research, email users and, in general, for other learning activities (computerized exercises).

All computer work stations are equipped with word processing, electronic spreadsheets and data presentation packages. In addition, there are also programs for carrying out the statistical analysis of quantitative data.

The location of the rooms can be found in the area:

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