2008-2009 A.Y.
Master of Science Programs (2-y)
All Master of Science programs include an internship or similar activity in the program requirements, classified as compulsory educational activities. Internships are worth:
It is possible to participate in other internship experiences, during your studies or after graduation, which do not have curricular value and for which the information in the paragraphs is not applied: "Positioning", "Approval and validation of internships", "Registration", "Other activities recognized in lieu of internships". Last change 05/08/2008 12:20 |
Characteristics of curricular internships
Curricular internships must satisfy the following characteristics with reference to duration, objectives and contents, location and positioning. During the internship each student is assisted by a university and a company tutor.
In both cases, the internship will be registered in the student's academic career as a first-year educational activity. Last change 27/01/2009 10:12 |
Organizational aspects
Finding internships
It is therefore necessary for the student to contact the Career Service Internship Office or International Internship Office (SRI), well in advance, and in any case before the internship begins.
The MSc Program Director has still the responsability to authorize: -internships of personal initiative -internships carried out after the undergraduate degree and before the enrolment finalization to the MSc Program -activities similar to the internship (qualified working experience, field projects). The MSc Program Director is also responsible for the final validation of all the internships including those authorized by Career Service. For all the internships activated through the Career Service, the Service will contact the student to agree on a date to participate in the Gruppo Stage (Internship group) , preparatory meeting to the internship experience. At the end of the internship: the student hands in the end-of internship documentation; the Offices responsible for internship procedures checks the documentation, hands to the student the internship recognition form that must be submitted, along with the end-of-internship documentation, to the MSc Program Director. The authorization form must be signed once again by the Professor for the final validation of the internship experience and in order to have the internship recorded in the student academic career.
Contributions for internships in the European Union Erasmus Student Placement: the LLP/Erasmus program offers students scholarships for curricular internships in companies and research and training centers located in one of the countries participating in the Program. Information regarding duration, place, amount of contribution, eligibility, requirements, and participating institutions/companies are available on http://www.ir.unibocconi.it/ e http://www.cs.unibocconi.it/. The scholarships are not cumulative with contributions indicated in the preceding title. Last change 09/09/2009 17:21 |
Other activities recognized in lieu of internships
Though internships remain the main educational activity aimed at facilitating professional choices, other activities known as "similar activities" are permitted in lieu of the internships. These include:
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Internships in Italy and abroad organized by the Career Service
The Career Service is the University's point of contact for all internship activities, with the exception of programs organized by the International Relations Service - International Internship Office (see International Internship with the International Relations Service).
The Service organizes all administrative procedures required by current regulations.
These tools help to balance the supply and demand for internships. Securing an internship offer is not necessarily linked to academic qualifications. The curricular and personal characteristics of each candidate are decided on by the companies which decide on the selection based on the contents of the educational project. Last change 28/07/2008 17:05 |
International Internship with the International Relations Service
Last change 05/08/2008 11:22 |