Guides to the university

2008-2009 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)


Internationalization at Università Bocconi has been a strategic priority pursued since 1974, the year in which the first international agreements were put into place. Over the years these programs have developed an extensive network of relations and exchanges with prestigious academic and cultural institutions all over the world, which means there is constant collaboration with the university and international business schools on research and joint teaching projects, thus providing Bocconi students and teaching staff with invaluable international experience.
Thanks to its network of international relations, Università Bocconi is able to offer its students several opportunities to acquire the kind of business training which is necessary for dealing with global economic developments.

Study programs abroad:

  • Long programs (Exchange Programs, Free-Mover Semester Programs, Double Degree Program, Master CEMS-MIM, Themis Program);
  • Short programs (Campus Abroad).

All the international programs wil be presented in detail during the International Week.

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4.1. Long programs

Exchange Program
The Università Bocconi Exchange Program (including the Socrates/Erasmus Programs) deals with student exchanges under bilateral agreements with over 170 universities in 46 countries spreading across 5 continents, giving students the opportunity to attend courses for which they can receive credit as part of their Bocconi degrees. The international universities included in the program are some of the most renowned institutions in the world in the fields of management, economics social sciences with an emphasis on economicsand law. In fact, Università Bocconi belongs to 2 of the most prestigious international networks: CEMS - Community of European Management Schools and PIM - Partnership in International Management.

The agreements are based on reciprocal arrangements that allow students from both institutions involved to complete a period of study abroad without paying extra university fees and tuition to the partner institution. Students are, however, responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses.

Eligibility and requirements
The semester abroad takes place during the second year of the program. All students regularly enrolled in the first year of MSc programs can apply.

Students are allowed to attend courses for a semester at one of the partner universities abroad only after passing the selection which is based on merit and language skills.

Application and deadlines
Students are advised to check the application procedures and deadlines released in successive International Relations publications and on the website at
For detailed information about the Exchange Program, to check comments by students who have been abroad in the past few years and to seek information about individual universities, students can consult the website at

Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.

The credit approval procedure is explained in "Credit for exams passed at universities abroad".

Free-Mover Semester Program
The semester abroad is allowed only in the second year of the program.
Students interested in attending a semester abroad outside the Exchange Program, can enrol at a number of universities abroad where they can study for a semester in their second year of the program as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program (fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students). Università Bocconi has identified a number of schools, mainly from among its international network, that are willing to accept such students. The list of universities abroad is available on the website . This is the only list considered valid for the recognition of exams taken as part of the Free-Mover Semester in schools abroad. Any other option must be endorsed in advance, on a case-by-case basis, by the International Relations Service. The application, accompanied by a motivational letter and information on the chosen university, has to be presented before enrolling in the Free-Mover Semester Program at the university abroad, and submitted to the International Relations Service.

Application procedure
Students who meet the requirements should contact their chosen institution and ask for course programs and details of the enrolment procedures.
Once students have been admitted by a school of the Free_Mover Semester network, they must contact the International Relations Service and request the green form to have courses taken abroad recognized.
Students are responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses for the period abroad, as well as fees and tuition for both Bocconi and the institution abroad.

Students are advised to take out health insurance for the entire period of study abroad.

Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.

The credit approval procedure is explained in "Credit for exams passed at universities abroad".

For Free-Mover Program Semester details (eligibility, list of universities, application procedure, exam recognition, program compatibility, student relations, etc), visit the website and consult the International Relations Service publications.

Students are reminded that, in any case, receiving credit for exams taken abroad in the Free-Mover Semester is incompatible with participation in other Long Programs abroad.

Double Degree Program
The Double Degree Program gives MSc students the opportunity to study abroad for one academic year and obtain both the Italian Master of Science degree from Università Bocconi and a foreign Graduate degree from the partner University, at the end of their studies.

A characteristic of this program is the reciprocal recognition of credit for the exams taken at the partner university and the writing of only one thesis. It may require more commitment overall than the standard duration of the program.

Application procedure


The Programme is held in the second year of studies; therefore students who meet the necessary requirements and who are regularly enrolled in the MSc program first year of studies can apply
For more information on timelines and program requirements visit the website of the International Relations Service or send an email to



HEC - Paris
RSM - Rotterdam
ESADE - Barcelona

International Management
HEC - Paris
RSM -  Rotterdam
ESADE - Barcelona
Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad (from the 2007-2009 period of study)


Fudan University: Master of Science in International Management

Marketing Management
HEC - Paris
RSM - Rotterdam
ESADE - Barcelona
CBS - Copenhagen

Amministrazione, Finanza Aziendale e Controllo [Administration, Corporate Finance and Control]
RSM - Rotterdam

Economia e Management delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche e delle Istituzioni Internazionali [Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions]
Sciences Po - Paris
University of Geneva - Geneva

Economia e Management delle Istituzioni e dei Mercati Finanziari - Finance
HEC - Paris
RSM - Rotterdam

Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment
HEC - Paris
CBS - Copenhagen (from the 2007-2009 period)

Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
RSM - Rotterdam

Discipline Economiche e Sociali - Economics and Social Sciences
HEC - Paris
Université Catholique de Louvain 
The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) (from the 2007-2009 period).

Further Double Degree agreements are being worked out. For an update visit the website degree.

CEMS-MIM Master in International Management
The CEMS-MIM master is the result of an alliance involving Bocconi and 17 other European universities. The program is financed by more than 50 of the worlds leading companies. The objective of the master is to create European multilingual managers who have the ability to understand and adapt to diverse cultures and the know-how to operate in european and global business environments.
During the second year of the MSc, the program features  an exchange semester, an internship abroad as well as supplementary educational activities (skill seminars, week-long seminars on a specific topic in either or abroad, business projects).

Application procedure
The program is designed for students enrolled in the Master of Science in Management/General Management with a graduation grade equal to or above 99/110.
Students are admitted based on academic merit, language skills in at least two foreign languages, and interviews. The selection should be held in February-March.

For more information, dates and deadlines, students can visit the webpage of the International Relations Service, consult the publications of the Service or send an email to

Themis - European Joint Degree in Business Law
This program is carried out by a consortium made up of ESADE (Barcelona), Freie Universität Berlin, Université de Paris XII (Val de Marne). Università Bocconi allows students enrolled in the MSc in Law to obtain an international degree given jointly by the four institutions.

The Themis Program gives students the opportunity to attend one of the consortium universities for one semester, as well as to participate in other special activities such as joint seminars on Business Law topics given at one of the partner institutions (for information on program requirements visit:

Application procedure
Information on application procedures for the 2008-2009 academic year will be published on the website of the International Relations Service at

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4.2. Short programs

Short programs

The short programs offered by Università Bocconi give students the opportunity to spend a brief period of time abroad, generally during summer, combining educational activities with the exploration of different cultural, social and economic environments.

Campus Abroad
The Campus Abroad Programs are organized by Università Bocconi in collaboration with foreign partner schools, are generally held during the period in which lessons are suspended, and last about one month. The programs aim to expose students to an international context by combining a Bocconi course with a series of "country specific" activities (seminars and visits to local companies and institutions).

Eligibility and requirements
Students are admitted to the program after a selection which is based on academic merit and language skills.
Exam recognition
The exam passed abroad as part of the Campus Abroad Program is a Bocconi exam, therefore all the University rules for the structure of the study plan apply and no "credit approval" procedure is necessary. To have exams and credit points registered in their academic careers, students must pass the final exam and participate in both lessons and related activities. Participation in all Campus activities and presence for the entire period of the program is compulsory.

Further information on timelines, requirements and application procedures are published on the website .

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4.3. Scholarship for international programs

Students taking part in international programs can apply for scholarships from ISU Bocconi (Student Assistance and Financial Aid) and the TCA - University Fees Office (for information about scholarships and application forms, download the pdf file "Conditions for awarding scholarships" which is available on the ISU website in the download area).

Students chosen for the Exchange Program for one semester of study at a European institution which has signed a bilateral Erasmus agreement will receive an Erasmus scholarship from the European Union.

For information:
ISU Bocconi

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