Guides to the university

2008-2009 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)


11.1. Certifications

Students can request the following certifications/documents in Italian or in English:


  • enrolment in academic year, also valid for applying for child benefits;
  • official academic transcript; comprising the educational activities taken including mark if appropriate;
  • unofficial academic transcript;
  • financial aid, containing a declaration of exemption from University tuition and fees;
  • University tuition and fees paid in the previous solar year. 


It is specified that such certifications are available only in paper format.

Students can print the above certifications/documents at Punto Blu terminals using their ID card  on condition they have paid their University tuition and fees and are correctly enrolled in the current academic year.

Students who do not enroll in the current academic year (2008-2009) will receive (from 9 September 2008 to 7 January 2009) a certification attesting the student's enrolment in the previous academic year, i.e."he/she was enrolled in the 2007-2008 academic year in...".

The same certification if requested after 7 January will contain, in addition to the sentence above, also a phrase attesting that the student did not renew his enrolment, i.e. "after that year the student did not renew his enrolment at this University".

Graduates can request the following certifications:

  • degree, comprising the conferral date and graduation grade;
  • official graduate academic transcript, that specifies the conferral date, graduation grade, a list of educational activities pursued including marks if appropriate
  • diploma supplement (see next paragraph)
  • resumption of university studies, valid for the resumption of university years for pension purposes.

It is also possible for graduates to print certifications at Punto Blu terminals as long as the Bocconi ID card still works. If not, graduates can request them at the Teaching Services and Organization Desk.

Students/Graduates who cannot go in person to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk can empower, by written authorization, another person to request or pick up certifications:

The written authorization must contain:

  • name and surname (family name) of the student;
  • personal details;
  • personal details of the authorized person;
  • type of certification requested, number of copies and the language in which you want the certification (Italian or English);
  • signature of the student/graduate;
  • a complete photocopy of the student's identity card, or other document. 

The authorized person must go to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk with the documents mentioned above along with their own identity card or similar proof of identity (e.g. passport).

Students/Graduates can also request any of the certifications via fax to the number 02 5836.2041. They must fax the signed request specifying their name and surname (family name), student ID and a contact number, type of certification required, number of copies attaching a complete copy of their identity card or other identity document.

The certifications requested will be sent by post to the address specified on the request. 

Last change 22/10/2008 17:36

11.2. Diploma supplement

The diploma supplement is an official document that is issued on completion of a university or higher education institute qualification and conforms to the European template developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO - CEPES.

In accordance with the norms the diploma supplement is issued in a bilingual version (Italian and English).

The diploma supplement aims to make the student's qualification more "transparent" by providing additional information regarding the course of studies carried out. Thus making it easier for potential employers to evaluate new academic titles, furthermore simplifying the academic and professional recognition of Italian higher education qualifications abroad and the freedom of movement of graduates.

The document contains only official data about the student's academic career and does not contain any value-judgments, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition but describes the nature, level, context, contents and status of the studies carried out and completed by the student.

It is divided into 8 sections that contain the following information:

  • personal details of the student;
  • qualification awarded (e.g. Master of Science in xxx, field of study yyy; name of institution that issued the qualification, address of university, etc);
  • level of qualification (e.g. second cycle of university studies, program duration and admission requirements);
  • curriculum and exam marks and graduation grade with details of marking scale used;
  • function of qualification (access to further study, professional status conferred by qualification);
  • additional information (relevant elements in the student's curriculum, such as internships, study periods abroad, etc);
  • national higher education system in Italy. 

Last change 08/07/2008 16:34