2007-2008 A.Y.
Master of Science Programs (2-y)
Credit for exams passed at universities abroad
Students enrolled in MSc programs may obtain credit for exams (marks and credit points) taken abroad as part of the International Exchange, Free-Mover Semester Campus Abroad(*), Master CEMS-MIM, Themis Program, and the Double Degree Program (see chapter 5) which are promoted and co-ordinated by the International Relations Service. Please note:
Students can receive credit for both compulsory and elective courses that correspond to Bocconi courses if they have obtained prior approval from the Course Director. Students can also receive credit for electives that do not correspond to Bocconi courses taken as part of Exchange Programs (CEMS and Themis) and Free-Mover Semester. Credit can be granted for a maximum of 4 courses and requires approval from the Master of Science Program Director, or his/her delegate. (*) Exams passed as part of the Campus Abroad Program, co-ordinated by the International Relations Office, do not require "credit approval" as long as they refer to Bocconi courses. Last change 03/08/2007 14:08 |
Credit approval procedure for exams taken as part of Exchange and Free-Mover Semester and Master CEMS-MIM and Themis Program
Gaining credit for exams taken as part of the Exchange and Free-Mover Semester Programs is not usually automatic and depends on the following credit approval procedure. To start the credit approval procedure students should contact the International Relations Service which receives the academic transcript from the host university abroad. Based on this document and the student's request, the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" and "Individual Exam Report" will be prepared. These will be used for exam conversion together with the "mark conversion tables". Students can go to the Course Director of the Bocconi equivalent course (or the Master of Science Program Director or his/her delegate for courses that do not have a Bocconi equivalent) with the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" and "Individual Exam Report" in order to have the exam mark recorded. Exam registration via Punto Blu or Virtual Punto Blu is not necessary. The Course Director (or the Master of Science Program Director or his/her delegate) will send the "Individual Exam Report" to the Student Administration Centre. Once this process has been completed students will hand in once again the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" to the International Relations Service and go to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk to make any elective course changes that have not yet been included in the study plan. Last change 06/07/2007 14:48 |
Credit for exams taken as part of the Campus Abroad Program
Credit is granted for all exams taken as part of the Campus Abroad Program. Last change 06/07/2007 14:49 |
Credit approval procedure for exams taken as part of Double Degree Program
Concerning the Double Degree Program:
Credits for exams taken during the Double Degree Program are generally not automatic and are subject to the following procedure. Prior to departure, students seeking credit must subscribe an integrated study plan approved by the Master of Science Course Director. As soon as students returns from the period abroad they must start the credit approval procedure by contacting the International Relations Service which receives the academic transcript from the host university abroad. Based on this document and the student's request, the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" and "Individual Exam Report" will be prepared. These will be used for exam conversion together with the "mark conversion tables". Students must go to the Master of Science Program Director with the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" and "Individual Exam Report" in order to have the exam mark recorded. Exam registration via Punto Blu or Virtual Punto Blu is not necessary. The Master of Science Program Director (or his/her delegate) will send the "Individual Exam Report" to the Student Administration Centre. Once this process has been completed students will hand in once again the "Summarized Credit Approval Report" to the International Relations Service and go to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk to make any elective course changes that have not yet been included in the study plan. Last change 30/07/2007 16:25 |