Guides to the university

2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs in joint with Politecnico di Milano


The information in this Guide refers only to activities and regulations in place at Bocconi University. For activities and regulations in place at Politecnico, please check the PoliMi widget available in the yoU@B Diary.

Last change 11/07/2019 15:32

9.1. Thesis

Detailed information on the thesis (graduation application procedure, choosing the thesis advisor, Degree Assessment Boards, any specific content, administrative requirements, etc.) will be available at a later date.

In general, the graduation application procedure is handled by Bocconi as it is the administrative center of the program. The roles of thesis advisor and discussant are required, both of whom must be experts in the same subject area. Students may choose faculty from Bocconi or PoliMi as their thesis advisor.

Graduation sessions will be held at Bocconi University, following a calendar that will be defined each year and available on the Bocconi website.

During the graduation session, the thesis defense will take place before a suitable Degree Assessment Board made up of faculty members from both Universities.

Last change 02/07/2019 18:17