Guides to the university

2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

9.2.9. Additional courses

Additional courses, which are courses that students choose in order to achieve more than the number of credit points required to fulfil the MSc degree requirements, can be included in the study plan for a maximum of three courses* and they can be chosen from:

  • Graduate level educational activities:
    • electives of Msc Programs;
    • foreign languages;
    • curricular supplementary activities (up to a maximum of two);
    • in-depth studies* (only for students enrolled in ESS).
  • higher level courses (PhD). For detailed information on the procedures for including such courses see paragraph 9.2.8. Higher level courses.

*Detailed info on in-depht studies are available in the paragraph Educational activities chosen by the student.

Graduate level educational activities (not including curricular supplementary activities) can be included in the study plan only after the course exams of the first 2 MSc semesters have been passed.

Please note that

  • allocation of elective courses entered as additional exams is subject to the limit of places available;
  • allocation of elective courses entered as additional exams, if available, is made after the allocation of the elective courses included in the student’s academic career as choice/change of study plan, i.e. after 30 August for first semester electives and after 22 January for second semester electives and depending on the availability of spots (see paragraph "Allocation of Electives").

Additional courses are included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average for a maximum of 2 courses; if students have taken more than 2, the best 2 marks are considered (if grades are the same, additional courses with more credit points are considered).

Students can choose additional courses by completing the form that can be collected from the Academic Affairs Desk during the 25 July 2019 - 21 January 2020 period.
Additional courses can be cancelled by handing in an application to the Academic Affairs Desk. An activity recorded with a passing mark cannot be eliminated.

*Please note that any additional curricular supplementary activities can be placed in the study plan as additions (and not as an alterative) to any additional courses.

Last change 23/07/2019 14:31