Guides to the university

2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

7.5.1. Exams and Partial Exams

The exam timetable is scheduled in periods (including 1 or more sessions) that do not coincide with the periods when lectures are held.

All courses have 3 exam sessions, for foreign languages the number of exam session depends on the language chosen by the student. Exam distribution includes 2 sessions held at the end of the teaching semester; the third session (the last one) is considered a supplementary session.

Lectures are suspended at mid-semester in both the first and second semester for 1st partial exams. 2nd  partial exams are held at the end of the semester of lessons. The dates of partial exams may or may not coincide with the dates fixed for general exams. Students can take exams in all sessions once the semester lectures included in their study plan have finished. For some types of exams and for some courses, there may be some limitations to access the exams.

For students enrolled in Master of Science programs the exam periods are organized as follows:  




1st Semester courses

2nd Semester courses





Period I





1st Partial exams

1 session 2018-2019 academic year

Period II



20/12/19 (*)

2nd Partial exams
1 session





20/01/20 (**)

04/02/20 (**)

2nd Partial exams
1 session


Period III





 1st Partial exams

Period IV





2nd Partial exams
1 session

03/06/20 (***)

23/06/20 (***)


 2nd Partial exams
1 session

Period V




 1 session


(*) In the period 9-20 December 2019 an exam session open to all enrolled students is scheduled for 1-2 compulsory courses per degree program, first year. This replace the January - first period 2020 exam session which a consequence will not be scheduled.

(**) For the compulsory courses and compulsory courses to be chosen by the students, curriculum compulsory courses and for the elective courses included in A,B, C groups of the ESS MSc program, the second partial exam, if written, is generally scheduled in both sessions of the exam periods at the end of the exam periods.

As a consequence, for the course typologies above, a second partial exam is generally scheduled:

  • with reference to the 1st semester, in the period 20 January to 4 February 2020 as an alternative to the partial exams session of the period 7 - 18 January 2020;
  • with reference to the second semester, a second partial exam is generally scheduled in the period 3 to 23 June 2020 as an alternative to the partial exams session of the period 13 to 30 May 2020.

There are rules and limitations to access the second partial exam. For all details, check paragraph 7.6. Exam registration procedure.

Notes on consulting of the exam calendar

  • "Session" refers to both exams of the current year and the previous years;
  • the third session for 2nd semester courses will be held in  October 2020 period;
  • the sessions for French, Spanish, Italian, German will be held in: December/January - first period, January - second period, March, June, August/September;
  • the session for Professional English Seminars will be held in: January - first period, January-second period, June, August/September; in addition, at the end of each half a semester, sessions for attending students only will be held in: October, December, March and May;
  • if students choose a course relating to the Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza [Law]as an elective course, they make use of the number of sessions provided for in the exam calendar of such Study Program;
  • there is a reserved exam session for 1st semester courses scheduled during the 9 to 20 December 2019 period, open only to those students who:
    1. are participating in Exchange, Master CEMS, and Free-Mover Programs abroad in the second semester of the 2019-2020 academic year;
    2. are incoming 1st semester (exchange, single courses for visiting students, and Double Degree students staying in Bocconi from the second semester of the 1st year to the first semester of the 2nd year)  
    3. are carrying out internships in Italy or abroad over the January - February 2020 period.

Only students whose teaching activities described in points 1 and 3 will start before the end of the February exam period (4 February 2020) are admitted to the additional session. With reference to this reserved session, we would like to specify that students CANNOT sit exams for previous year courses which have not yet been passed.


There is NO overlapping between compulsory course exam sessions of the same year of studies and Master of Science degree program; therefore no two exams are usually scheduled on the same day except for October and December as the available exam days are limited. As far as electives are concerned, they may be present in more than one major. Therefore, the avoidance of timetable clashes is only guaranteed for Major compulsory courses.

The exam timetable for the October 2019 - September 2020 period is published by the end of July on the University website at

The timetable of an exam session may be changed during the year (only to a later date or time). In that case, students do not need to re-register for the exam since their registration is automatically transferred to the new timetable.

Exam dates are updated daily on the website. In addition, any changes to the exam timetable can be viewed on the yoU@B student Diary.

The different types of exams are identified in the exam timetable by the following letters:

  • PI Partial exam
  • S Written exam
  • O Oral exam

Last change 26/06/2019 17:13