2007-2008 A.Y.
Master of Science Programs (2-y)
First year procedures and administrative deadlines
Choice of foreign languages
Students must choose the foreign languages and course levels they want to attend when finalizing enrolment (from 18 September to 28 September 2007). Last change 03/08/2007 14:24 |
Curriculum choice and modification, first year courses - II semester
From 7 to 31 January 2008, students enrolled in the Master of Science in Management (M-LS), Master of Science in Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment (ACME-LS), corso di laurea specialistica in Discipline economiche e sociali [Master of Science in Economics and Social Sciences] (DES-LS), Master of Science in Economics and Social Sciences (ESS-LS) and Master of Science in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology (EMIT-LS) must choose the curriculum or the courses of the II semester, first year. This can be done via Punto Blu or Virtual Punto Blu.
During this period students can modify their choices. Last change 01/08/2007 11:19 |