Guides to the university

2013-2014 A.Y.

Single courses for visiting students

1. Student Resources


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1.1. Useful tools for the students

To manage student’s own career students can make use of the following tools

  • the unofficial academic transcript;
  • personalized Bocconi photo ID card;
  • password to access the University Services.

In addition:

  • yoU@B student Diary;
  • Punto Blu;
  • E-mail account.

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1.1.1. Student unofficial academic transcript

The unofficial academic transcript is a document that, once enrolment has been completed, contains the student's personal details and all the courses foreseen by the program structure. Subsequently the transcript is updated with the dates and marks of exams passed.
The updated transcript - with dates and marks of exams passed - can be printed at anytime from Punto Blu terminals located at the University after accessing to the yoU@B student Diary and selecting the menu Administrative Area Certifications.

The unofficial academic transcript can be used as a memo as it is not a certification. On this transcript teachers may write the marks and dates of exams passed.

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1.1.2. Personalized Bocconi ID card

The personalized Bocconi photo ID card is an essential non-transferable personal document used:

  • as proof of identity in the University;
  • to sit exams;
  • to use IT rooms;
  • to use the cafeteria;
  • to use the Library and to borrow books.

Theft and loss of ID card

If the photo ID card is lost or stolen you should immediately go to:

  • the Academic Affairs Division Desk, (University building, Piazza Sraffa 11 second floor room 218 which can be accessed only through the Once-Stop Service Center Piazza Sraffa 13) in order to stop the card from being used by third parties;
  • the Library, in order to stop all book loans. Otherwise the original cardholder is obliged to replace any books borrowed.

Students can apply for a replacement card at the Academic Affairs Division Desk and fill out the application form which can be used as a replacement request as well as a self-declaration of the theft/loss, in cases where the loss or theft report has not been handed in to the local Police or Carabinieri station.

For the issue of a duplicate there is a payment fee (see Other Costs in the Download Area).

Replacement of the ID card

If the magnetic strip of the Bocconi ID card no longer works or if the card is damaged students can have it immediately replaced free of charge.
Student who wish to request the replacement of their card must go to the Academic Affairs Division Desk where they can request and obtain a duplicate of the card free of charge upon submission of the damaged card but still active.

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1.1.3. Password

The password used for the enrolmentonline can be used, once students have finalized their enrolment to access to:

  • the yoU@B student Diary (from there you can access to the Punto Blu)
  • the Bocconi email account
  • to the Teaching section
  • to the University network (IT rooms; IT labs)

This password can be changed via:

  • the yoU@B student Diary (through My Profile)
  • webmail program (
  • login function to access to the University Network from a student IT lab .

    For security reasons students are advised to change the password on a regular basis.

Loss of Password

The password for accessing the online services can be retrieved by using the appropriate password recoveryfunctionavailable on the yoU@B student Diary.

At this end students must digit the original password or answer to the secret questions chosen when accessing the Diary the first time.

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1.2. Punto Blu

Punto Blu allows students to carry out some of the administrative activities regarding their student life.

Punto Blu can be accessed either yoU@B,  the student Diary.

In Univeristy there are totems which allow the access to the Bocconi website. Some functions for example (the print of certifications ) are available only by accessing fron the totems located at the University.

Students can access to the Punto Blu after the finalization of the enrolment.

The Punto Blu functions are available in Italian and in English in accordance w3ith the language version set in the yoU@B .To access to the the Punto Blu functions students must:

  • Access to the yoU@B
  • Enter their student ID number (login) and password
  • Click on Punto Blu in the Diary’s homepage

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1.3. yoU@B student diary

The yoU@B student diary is a service offered to all Bocconi students..

The yoU@B allows students to organize their own diary, receive information from various University Services, keep personal address books, keep notes, check dates, times and rooms for exams, check class timetables and so on.
The yoU@B student diary is available in both Italian and English. Students can change languages at anytime. Punto Blu displays functions in the same language set for yoU@B
The information and services available to students via yoU@B are:

  • Help&Contact: the tool to contact some University including a system of FAQ organized for topics;
  • personalized class timetables: students can compile personalized class timetables that may be integrated by selecting courses which are not included in their study plans from the general class timetables;
  • teaching: notices, teaching materials. course syllabus relating to the courses included in the study plan not yet passed that can be downloaded directly form the yoU@B student Diary;
  • exam timetables: students can compile personalized exam timetables that may be integrated by selecting exams which are not included in their study plans from the general exam timetables;
  • breakdown of students in the classrooms: for exams and partial exams;
  • daily room allocations:(for exams, partial exams and various activities);
  • exams results;
  • various activities sign-up;
  • notices: such as messages from the Academic Affairs Division Desk and other University Services;
  • wifi request access: to enable personal devices (pc, mobile) to the University Network;
  • Newsstand: to consult the full version of the most famous international newspaperson economics;
  • events: events scheduled at Bocconi organized by the University and by the student, sport and culture associations;
  • online diary: to check one's lessons, exams and administrative deadlines, make appointments and insert events and personal notes;
  • personal links;
  • contacts: (personal address book);
  • cert@B: request certification procedure


How to access yoU@B
The yoU@B student diary can be accessed from the homepage of the Bocconi website at or at; users must enter their student ID and password.

For further information: 

The yoU@B Diary, along with the Bocconi email account and the HELP&CONTACT procedure , is the University's main communication tool used for informing students about teaching activities. Therefore, students are kindly asked to frequently check the messages received.

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1.4. Email

All currently enrolled students are given a Bocconi email account. Students can use this account free of charge. This service is provided by the University in collaboration with Webmail,
Students are automatically assigned an email address upon enrolment.

The email can be accessed either at and from the yoU@B student Diary by enetering own’s credentials(student ID number and password).

The Bocconi email address is composed of: student ID no. +
Students are automatically assigned an alias address on the basis of possible combinations of name and surname, to help them in using their Bocconi email accounts.

In order to ensure that the system functions correctly after choosing the alias, students should adjust the inbox options by following the "email settings" instructions. This information is available on the Bocconi site at

The Bocconi email, along with the yoU@B student Diary and the Help&Contact procedure, is the channel used by the University for communicating towards students. For this reason students are kindly requested to periodically check their personal Bocconi email addresses in order to read the messages sent by the University.

Once students have received their personal Bocconi email account, student must use it,together with the Help&Contact, for whatever communication towards the University. The University does not answer to communication sent from private email address.



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1.5. Personal computers


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1.5.1. Internet points to the University wifi network

Students with Wireless laptop connection can access the University wifi network upon request for activation through the appropriate procedure ‘‘wifi request access’ in the yoU@B student Diary.

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1.5.2. IT labs for students

2 IT labs with a total of 208 personal computers connected to the University network are available to students.
The computers can be used by students who are about to write final papers/thesis and those who want use data analysis programs, carry out research, email users and, in general, for other learning activities (computerized exercises).

Info5 and Sarfatti Bar labs offer a Tutor service who allocate PC to students and offers a first level assistance. Besides the tutor’s desks there are the regulations for the use of PC and for studnt’s behaviour.

All computer work stations are equipped with Windows XP and Office 2010, Internet Explorer and mathemathical, statistic and tic and scientific programs (Mathcad, Matlab, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Scientific WorkPlace); along with management
progra ms (SAP).

In the labs studnts can also make use of a print system upon payment. The location of rooms can be found at page in Aule.
The location of the rooms can be found in the area: in Aule (Italian version).

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