Guides to the university

2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

7.14.1. Credit approval procedure for exams taken as part of Exchange, AEEP and Free-Mover Semester and CEMS MIM Master programs

Recognition of exams taken as part of the Exchange, AEEP, CEMS MIM Master and Free-Mover Semester Programs is not usually automatic and depends on the following credit approval procedure.

After being selected (Exchange, AEEP, CEMS MIM Master ) or authorized by the Study Abroad Office (Free Mover Semester Program) and before departure, students seeking credit must submit a request for authorization from Bocconi faculty to receive credit for the courses they wish to attend abroad.
The courses can be:

  • with Bocconi correspondence if the course taken abroad has a corresponding Bocconi course;
  • without Bocconi correspondence, if the course taken abroad does not have a corresponding Bocconi course.

    The advance authorization request must be forwarded via the appropriate ‘Recognition’ procedure available on the yoU@B Diary in the International mobility section.

    Two or more exams taken abroad can be recognized together to cover one Bocconi exam, upon approval of the Course Director of the Bocconi course or the Program Director. One exam taken abroad cannot be used to cover two or more Bocconi exams.

    The request for recognition of a foreign course with a Bocconi course (with or without correspondence) DOES NOT allow study plan change/choice, which must be made in accordance with the timelines and rules specified in paragraph "Change of study plan for students participating in international programs".

    For the recognition of elective courses, students must take into account the rules of the program structure on the courses subject groups.

    At the end of the mobility period, the host university issues the academic transcript. Based on this document and the student's request (to be forwarded through the 'Academic Recognition' box in the yoU@B student Diary), the Office of reference (Study Abroad Office for the Exchange Program, AEEP and Free-Mover Semester, Global Alliances Office for the CEMS-MIM ) carries out the appropriate checks to prepare the grade recording of the exams taken abroad in the student’s academic career.

    For more information, see the website 'Academic recognition'.

    In case of exams taken at other universities, Bocconi students are assigned the mark awarded by the university where the exam was originally taken. If the original marks are expressed in different numerical scales or in letters, they are converted to marks out of thirty on the basis of the specific conversion table.
    In case two or more foreign exams covering one Bocconi exam, the final grade is calculated from the grade point average of the corresponding Bocconi grades, using the foreign credit points specified on the Transcript issued by the host university as the weighted coefficient.

    Students can also recognize a maximum of three additional exams (see paragraph 'Additional Courses').

    Please note: The program structure of MSc programs taught in Italian include at least one course in English (compulsory or elective): this requirement is not applied in case the student participates in the Exchange Program, CEMS MIM or Free Mover at a University where the language requested by Bocconi University with the purpose of selection/acceptance is not English. 

    Other changes cannot be made after the recognition request has been sent and the procedure has been completed.

Last change 23/07/2019 12:55