2019-2020 A.Y.
Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)
Continuing studies
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Students enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor of Science program are admitted to the second year only if they have earned at least 24 credit points by the exam period of:
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Administrative procedures and deadlines for enrolment as repeating students ('ripetente') in the first, second and following years
Enrollment must be carried out during:
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Choice of Major for students enrolled in the BIEF program
From 8 to 21 January 2020, by using the Punto Blu, that can be accessed via yoU@B, BIEF students enrolled in the second year of studies must choose from among the following majors:
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Choice of modules for second year CLEACC students
When enrolling in the second year of studies (29 July- 29 August 2019) students must carry out the choice of two modules, one for the first semester and one for the second semester, relating to the course Metodo, critica e ricerca nelle discipline artistiche [Method, critique and research in artistic disciplines] (see chapter 2 Program structures of the BSc programs). Last change 22/07/2019 17:39 |