Guides to the university

2011-2012 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

12.1. Other costs

Contributions for enrolment in final exams and fees for administrative services

Starting with August 2, 2011, contributions for enrolment in final exams and fees for administrative services are defined as follows:

Final exams

Final exams for Bachelor programs (3 years): 215 euros;
covers: expenses to print degree diploma, graduation ceremony and its recording on DVD, various state taxes; to be paid at least one month before registering for graduation.

Administrative services

  • for each university transfer application: 26 euros;
  • for each duplicate or replacement of Bocconi ID card: 26 euros (service is free if card has demagnetized)
  • or each duplicate of original degree diploma: 100 euros;
  • for each additional copy of the diploma supplement (3-year bachelor program):
    • euro 20 unbound copy.

It should be noted that for each certificate and/or authenticated copy on legal paper, the excise tax due (imposta di bollo) is to be paid by the student in the full amount due at the time of the certificate's request.

Last change 04/08/2011 10:15