2012-2013 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)


Università Bocconi offers its students supplementary activities designed to enhance their cultural understanding and complement the degree program requirements. Positive participation in the activities doesn't provide any credit nor extra points for the student's CV academic career, but allows students to obtain a certificate of participation.
The supplementary activities are divided in two large groups. For the first group of activities students must sign up using the yoU@B student Diary (see "Supplementary activities registration via yoU@B student Diary"). The second group must sign up to the service offering the activity, without use of the student Diary (see "Supplementary Activities without Registration via yoU@B student Diary").

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8.1. Supplementary activities registration via yoU@B student Diary

Supplementary activities include:

The full range of supplementary activities for 2012-2013 is published in September (before the start dates for choosing any activity initiatives); more detailed information including programs and calendars will be released on the websites of the services which offer these activities.

For students enrolled in Degree programs participation in supplementary activities is optional and is ruled by general instructions, as follows:

  • sign-up application procedure: through the yoU@B student Diary. The period when students can sign up will be communicated about one month before via yoU@B student Diary.
  • assigning courses: for each study program sign-up applications are accepted in the order of sign-ups received. Students who are admitted/not admitted to attend these activities will receive a personal online message sent to their yoU@B student Diary;
  • attendance: obligatory for at least 75% of the teaching sessions, as established by the instructors, in order to obtain the certificate of participation; online courses as well, if offered, have mechanisms for registering attendance;
  • evaluation: is carried out by instructors according to the assessment methods discussed in class (teacher can require a final written report) but is subordinate to the compulsory 75% attendance and to the active participation in class;
  • period of study: courses are held during teaching periods and on specific dates which will be finalized before the sign-up period begins;
  • duration: it is depending on the activity chosen, the minimum duration is 8 hours.


A certification is given to the students if positive participation in such initiatives is certified by the teacher in class. 

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8.2. Supplementary activities without registration via yoU@B student Diary

A list of activities including the service providing the activity and the Bocconi website for further information follows:

In addition:

  • career guidance seminars, company presentations, individual counselling in job search  techniques; organized by Career Service -
  • POL (Personal Orientation Lab) for students and recent graduates interested in exploring their aptitudes in order to face the job market more effectively, organized by Career Service -
  • concerts, meetings, exhibitions, debates, sports and culture events aimed at raising students cultural awareness; organized by ISU Bocconi
  • competitive and amateur sports: basketball, volleyball, soccer, athletics, golf, skiing, tennis, wing shooting, swimming, water polo, sailing and rugby. Participation on a permanent basis to the most important federal and university championships entitles you to a certificate from the Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Bocconi Sport Team (Amateur Sport Association Bocconi Sport Team)

Last change 04/09/2012 08:37