2012-2013 A.Y.

Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)

7.1.3. Graduation Reservation

The first graduation session available for fifth year regular CLMG students 2012-2013 academic year will be held in July 2013.

Graduating students:

  • make the graduation reservation via Punto Blu, by selecting the "Graduation Reservation" option. Students must respect the deadlines and timelines indicated on the Graduation Calendar that will be available later in year.

    Students do not need to have passed all the exams in the program structure in order to make the graduation reservation. In fact, it is advisable to make the graduation reservation in advance than the submission of the thesis.

    When making the "Graduation Reservation" the procedure checks the regular administrative and financial status of the student and that:
    - the thesis title has been submitted;
    - students have paid the graduation fee (through the MAV sent by the University to the permanent/temporary address);
    - the student have an academic qualification valid for the enrolment at the University.  

Students' regular administrative status implies:

  •  enrolment in the 2011-2012 a.y. for those students enrolled in the fifth year who intend to graduate within the first session of 2013 (March).

Fifth year students enrolled in the 2011-2012 academic year who intend to graduate after the first session of 2012 (generally the first session is held in March) must enroll for the 2012-2013 a.y. 

  • View:
    • Their thesis title
    • The educational activities yet to be passed
    • Their grade point average.
  • Specify:
    • Any changes of the address where they wish to receive the diploma at;
    • The address where thesis should be delivered
    • Any of contact numbers to assure their availability in cases of issues in the thesis upload during the thesis submission phase.

Via the yoU@B student diary, after having made the graduation reservation students must fill out the following forms:

- the placement form which goes into a "CV Book" that will be sent to Bocconi contacts for recruitment purposes. These contacts include companies, public and private organizations as well as professional studios.
- the evaluation of university experience questionnaire. This questionnaire makes up part of a national survey and is designed to discover the perceptions of students who are about to graduate with reference to their overall university experience.

Students who have carried out the graduation reservation but who do not graduate anymore in the session they reserved for can cancel their reservation, in accordance with the deadlines set in the graduation session calendar, by using the function Graduation>Graduation Application procedure>Cancel Application.

Last change 25/07/2012 17:14