2011-2012 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

10.5. Submitting the completed final paper and the approval form

Graduating students after interacting with their Supervisors (Tutors) for writing the final papers:

  • should access the Punto Blu to Final paper title - Information completion function and enter the abstract summarizing the final paper topic;
  • attaches , through the  Final paper title - Information completion function one definitive file of his/her final paper [notice: to upload the definitive file you must follow the instructions described in NOTE]. At the same time, by clicking the appropriate flag he/she confirms that the work uploaded is definitive and complete.
  • by using the function Final paper title - Information completion print (two copies) the approval form (for the submission of the final paper) through the  Punto Blu function "Print Approval". This form includes:
    - Final paper title;
    - Name of Supervisor (Tutor Professor) ;
    - Supervisor (Tutor)'s Department;
    - abstract of the final paper  
  • submit the approval form for the final paper submission to the supervisor (Tutor Professor) who checks if the abstract is correct and make any changes to the title of the final paper and sign the form;
  • hand in the 2 copies of the approval signed  by the Supervisor (tutor) to the Secretary's Office of the Undergraduate School (via Roentgen 1 - I floor E3 rooms 01 and 02)  by the deadline for the submission of the final paper which is indicated in the graduation session calendar. NOTICE: starting with September 2012 the location of the Schools has changed. Check the attached table.


NOTE: The definitive file must include as first pages the following 4 sheets ordered as follows:

  • 1st page: title page
  • 2nd page: a white sheet 
  • 3rd page: thanks (if not included a white page)
  • 4th page: a white sheet.


The text of one’s work (index,introduction, contents and so on) must start after the 4 pages above.

The final file uploading on the Punto Blu using the Final paper title - Information completion function is to be considered as definitive and replaces CD rom thesis submission phase (thus students no longer have to submit any file on paper or CD Rom).

In addition, once the file has been uploaded on the Punto Blu, changes are no longer possible. When the student prints out the approval form, the tutor professor receives the notification of the definitive upload and can proceed with final reading.

The deadlines for submitting final papers are indicated in the Graduation Calendar.

Last change 23/10/2012 12:26

10.5.1. Format Specifications

The Final Paper must be submitted in one complete file only in PDF format, and the name of the file is LF followed by the student ID e.g. if the student ID is 1234567 the name of the file is LF1234567.PDF
Final Paper they must respect the following formatting specifications:
  • Maximum size of the file: 20 MB
  • Paper size: cm 29x21 (A4)
  • Lines per page: from 26 to 30 lines
  • Recommended font: Arial/Tahoma/Verdana
  • Font size (body):12 points
  • Pages numbered
  • Cover sheet including: student ID, surname/family name, name, Bachelor Program, final paper title and tutor

It is not possible to use the Università Bocconi seal on the cover sheet or within the Final Paper.  

Last change 03/11/2011 17:02