2008-2009 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

9.7. Disqualification

See updated information - July 2009

Students are disqualified:

  • if the maximum number of enrolments as repeating students ("fuori corso" and "ripetente") is equal to 3 academic years,


  • if after four years (i.e. double the number of years of the Degree Program) no credits have been earned.

The maximum number of enrolments as "fuori corso"and as "ripetente"does not take into account periods of temporary interruption requested according to D.P.C.M. (Ministerial Decree) 09/04/2001 which is described in "Suspension, temporary interruption and resumption of University studies".

Students who have been disqualified from their Degree Program can obtain certifications attesting to their university career and the number of credit points previously earned. If students should eventually resume their studies, the credit points previously earned will be evaluated to determine if they are still valid.

Disqualification does not apply to those students who have passed all exams and only miss the final degree exam.

Updated information - July 2009

The new rule establishes that after eight academic years following the end of the standard duration of the program (two years), calculated from the first initial enrollment in the university system, the student’s academic career is subject to assessment.  If the evaluation is positive, a new deadline will be set, as a general rule equal to the standard duration of the program, by which time students must complete all educational activities.

Last change 07/07/2009 16:45