2008-2009 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

5.3. Other activities recognized in lieu of internships

Though internships remain the main educational activity aimed at facilitating professional choices, other activities known as "similar activities" are permitted in lieu of the internships.  These include:


  • qualified work experiences, with contracts different from those of internships, such as temporary or permanent work, apprenticeship, traineeships, and limited-time work contracts ("lavoro a progetto"). These are subject to the same rules (duration, positioning, eligibility) as internships.
    To have the activity recognized and the credits assigned, students must hand in to the Career Service - Internship Office a copy of the contract stipulated with the company and a short report from the student containing information on the nature and duration of the activity.   This is needed to prepare the authorization and final validation form for the Director's signature. This is to be handed in to the Career Service - Internship Office and recorded in the student's academic career together with other end of internship forms.
  • in-the-field projects (clinics and Moot for the Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLG-LS) administered by MSc Direction. These projects are promoted by a teacher and approved by the MSc Program Director following specific agreements with a company, an institution or professional office.
    They must include the following activities:
  • in-class: classroom activities guided by the professor (methodological tools), presentations from professionals in their field (e.g., applications of methodological tools). These classroom activities are not part of the educational activities which are included in the program requirements.
  • in-the-field activities monitored by professionals in the field and by a teacher: case analyses, formulation and presentation of the work (group or individual) to outside professionals in the field and to a teacher.

Since internships must last 10-12 weeks (about 400-480 work hours), the activities mentioned above are structured to meet the same criteria in terms of hours and/or workload. In this way the field project is equivalent to the internship.
The majority of hours must be dedicated to in-the-field activities.
Recognition takes  place considering  a participants list provided to the Career Service - Internship Office or the International Internship Office by the Program Director or his/her delegate, along with the necessary approval form and teacher's final evaluation which must be signed by the Program Director. The Career Service - Internship Office will then register these in the student's academic career along with the other end of internship forms.

Last change 28/07/2008 17:02