2007-2008 A.Y.

7.1.5. Choice of elective courses

When students enrol in the third year of their programs (1 August - 10 September 2007) they must choose their elective courses for both the first and second semesters, for inclusion in their study plan. During this period students can also change the electives they chose when enrolling in the current academic year.
Before choosing electives, students are advised to check the list of courses available, course profiles, class timetables and the list of incompatible and banned courses published on the specific sections of the website. 
For all courses both restricted groups and broad groups students must choose an alternative to their first choice.
Students in all undergraduate degree programs must choose 4 electives, except for DIEM students who must choose 8.
As explained below, the second choice is necessary in case the first-choice elective does not attract the minimum number of students (15), or the maximum number of students (120) has already been reached.

The educational offer for the 2007-2008 academic year include an e-learning class group already taught in the same semester using traditional methods.
If required, when students are asked to choose their elective courses, they must specify the learning method (either traditional or e-learning).
Starting up e-learning class groups depends on:

  • activating the traditional class group (if this does not happen, the e-learning class group will not be activated);
  • a minimum number of inscriptions has to be reached.

By 17 September 2007:

  • allocation of first- and second-semester electives will take place;
  • students will receive a personal message in their yoU@B student diaries informing them of whether they have been assigned the chosen electives or not.

Allocation of courses is based on a scale that takes into account the alternatives expressed by students and their positions in the elective enrolment list when they made the choice/change. Students who change only one elective course lose the priority position they held for their initial choice, even for elective courses which have not been changed.

Courses that do not attract the minimum number of 15 students will not be run unless the courses are taught in English.

Courses must not have more than 120 students. The following students are not included in the limit of 120:

  • students participating in international programs from foreign universities;
  • students who opt to change from a four-year to a three-year program, since the results of their applications will be released by 1 October 2007;
  • students who already hold a degree from Università Bocconi and are admitted to the third year.

Bocconi students participating in international programs may have exams recorded in their academic career which were taken at universities abroad that correspond to Bocconi courses that have either not reached the minimum number of students and therefore are not run or that have already reached  the maximum number of students.

During the 17-28 September 2007 period:

  • students who were not allocated either their first-choice electives or their second-choice electives and
  • students who obtained permission to change their undergraduate degree programs

must choose from among the first- and second-semester electives that are still available, at Punto Blu or Virtual Punto Blu. In this phase, once electives have reached the maximum number of 120 students, they will no longer be available for other students to choose.

Students who enrol in the academic year after 10 September, and especially during the period from 10 September 2007 to 31 December 2007(**), can choose their first- and second-semester electives from the list of electives that are still available at the time of enrolment in the academic year.

(**) Since 31 December 2007 is a holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (2 January 2008).

Last change 02/08/2007 18:33