2023-2024 A.Y.

Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)

  Career Opportunities

The main career opportunities for graduates are:


Role in a work setting
The lawyer provides legal advice and assistance, both in judicial and extrajudicial contexts.Lawyers operate on the mandate of private citizens, businesses, organizations and public or private bodies with the aim of ensuring that the laws in force are applied to solve specific problems of their clients or to defend their interests, also by representing them in the courts.
With reference to consultancy, lawyers provide advice and suggestions on how to exercise and claim clients’ rights: for example, they inform clients about legal obligations, explain the practical application of codes and regulations, and suggest the best actions to be taken in compliance with legal procedures.

With reference to legal assistance, lawyers represent their clients in a court, supporting them before the judge for matters of public or private law: they present evidence and arguments in favor of the assisted party, trying to convince the judging bodies to express a favorable opinion on the client’s position.

To carry out consultancy and assistance activities, the lawyer studies and re-elaborates the law and jurisprudence to correctly prepare the specific case and draws up, if necessary in English, legal documents and opinions.

Skills associated with the role
Having expert knowledge of legal systems (national and supranational), as well as the principles governing the operation of companies, markets and society in general, law graduates can search for what is required to place cases brought to their attention in the proper legislative and case law context. In other words, they can consult legislation, jurisprudential sources and case law (including by means of digital tools) in order to identify not only the legal problems present in a given concrete case but also certain possible solutions, and to do so while placing the issues thus encountered in their proper economic-social perspective.

Furthermore, with the technical skills acquired during the program, law graduates can write drafts of opinions and writs in Italian and English.

Career opportunities
Firms where the profession of Lawyer may be practiced, after completing the traineeship period and passing the national bar exam in accordance with legislative provisions. For purposes of access to the profession, graduates may also enroll in the Law School in order to prepare for the national bar exam. In this phase, as stated in the Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers, trainees should, however, also continue studying for the qualifying exam.


Role in a work setting
The notary (public official) draws up the notarial deeds which have the purpose of attributing "public faith" and legal efficacy to significant events from an economic and social point of view. For example, notaries prepare deeds of real estate sale, swaps, mortgages, mortgages, testaments, donations of successions, deeds of corporate and commercial law such as the establishment of new companies, deeds for the establishment of associations, foundations, and non-profit organizations. In addition, the notary: transcribes, records and deposits the notarial deed in public registers, when required by law (for example, the business register); issues certificates, copies, and extracts; collects taxes connected to deeds signed or authenticated on behalf of the State and carries out anti-money laundering checks; archives and maintains the records in computer registers and repositories and transmits them to the district notarial archive.

Skills associated with the role
Graduates possess the legal knowledge and linguistic skills required for providing material support to notaries receiving documents for acts between living persons, wills and company documents. Graduates must therefore have expert knowledge of national and also supranational legal systems, especially when having to interface with matters such as acquisitions and purchases abroad, transnational succession and non-domestic corporate transactions.

Career opportunities
Notary offices where the profession of Notary may be practiced, after completing the traineeship period in a professional firm and passing the competitive exam in accordance with legislative provisions. For the purposes of access to the profession, graduates may also enroll in the Law School in order to prepare for the notary exam.


Role in a work setting
The magistrate (public official) enforces and applies the current state law by conducting a trial in all its phases. Magistrates exercise jurisdictional power, i.e. the power to condemn those who violate the laws (criminal jurisdiction) and to resolve disputes between citizens (civil jurisdiction) or between citizens and the state (administrative jurisdiction). They work individually or in a collegiate context (according to the matter and functions assigned). Magistrates can carry out the activity of Judge and Public Prosecutor: in the first case, they carry out "judicial" activities, that is, they decide on disputes or pronounce on affairs within their competence; in the second case, they carry out "requisitioning" activities, that is, they promote the suppression of crimes by coordinating investigative activities in view of the decisions that the judging bodies must take.

Skills associated with the role
Graduates possess deep knowledge of substantive and procedural law indispensable for the resolution of individual cases and for the drafting of judicial acts (orders, writs, rulings).

Career opportunities
Magistrate at a Public Prosecutor’s Office or a court, after passing the national competitive exam and completing the training period at a public prosecutor’s office or a court. For access to the profession graduates must, as a requirement for participating in the magistrate exam, enroll in the Law School in order to prepare for said exam.

Legal expert

Role in a work setting
Legal experts are confronted daily with many legal aspects in connection with carrying out the activities of a company (whether in Italy or abroad) and/or public service. In other words, they deal with identifying and understanding the legal issues which complex organizations, such as national and international companies and public authorities, must face in order to complete their activities.

Skills associated with the role
Having expert knowledge of legal systems (national and supranational), as well as the principles underlying the operation of companies, markets and society in general, law graduates can place cases brought to their attention in the proper legislative and case law context. Furthermore, owing to their economic-quantitative knowledge, experts can also place legal aspects in connection with business activities and/or public service in the correct economic-social perspective. For such purposes, legal experts can also draft opinions, writs and contracts in Italian and English.

Career opportunities
With companies, public bodies, non-profit institutions, international and supranational organizations as internal counsel or external consultants (both in Italy and abroad).

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00