2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Description of the Educational Path

CLEAM is taught in Italian, but students must also sign up for courses in English.

The study program shares a part of the educational path with other Bocconi business management Bachelor of Science programs, chiefly concentrated in the first three semesters.

From the fourth semester CLEAM differs from the other Bachelor of Science programs in that it closely examines business management areas.

In the last part of the path students can adapt their study plan to their individual objectives through activities to be chosen by them (courses to be passed in Italy or abroad, or courses and curricular internships).

In addition, the study plan includes:

  • activities to develop IT skills;
  • two EU languages different from the student’s mother tongue. English is compulsory for all students who are not native English speakers;
  • Critical thinking seminars to develop behavioral skills (to give students the know-how to improve public speaking ability, plan and organize their work, work in groups and develop a leadership attitude) and Business Ethics and company social responsibility;
  • final paper.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00