2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Professional and Work Opportunities for Graduates

Junior professional profile in the field of business management

Position in the workplace:
Graduates in Economia Aziendale e Management work in one of the areas of business management, as an internal resource or an external consultant, mainly supporting more senior roles, carrying out:

  • planning and control positions;
  • accounting-administrative positions;
  • finance and tax positions;
  • supply chain management positions;
  • organization and personnel management positions;
  • sales and marketing positions.

Skills associated with the position:
Graduates in Economia Aziendale e Management have the basic skills needed to carry out the main business management functions described above, such as:

  • skills in the analysis of economic systems, sectors, markets and competitive positioning of companies;
  • accounting skills in the preparation and analysis of financial statements, planning and management control, legal and fiscal aspects of companies, research, acquiring and processing company and market data;
  • skills in the analysis of the organization and functioning of financial markets and corporate finance (analysis of investments, locating financial resources, treasury);
  • labor law and organization skills needed for managing labor in companies;
  • skills in the analysis of sales and channels and management of clients;
  • skills in the analysis of sales and channels and management of suppliers;
  • skills in the analysis, organization and management of manufacturing and logistics systems of industrial and commercial companies.

Career opportunities:

  • Main opportunity: second-level studies;
  • Main career opportunities: small, medium and large enterprises; public/private companies; manufacturing/sales companies; goods/service companies (including consulting agencies).


Other possible opportunities:

  • startups of new entrepreneurial initiatives;
  • professions regulated by membership as a certified practicing accountant/statutory auditor upon completion of a traineeship and passing the related state examination (an agreement with the Ordine Territoriale di Milano dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (Chartered Accountants and Accountants Territorial Council of Milan) is in force for the program, which exempts students from the first written exam to access section B of the Register of Chartered Accountants and allows for a 6-month traineeship during the last year of the BSc).


Last change 01/06/2023 08:00