Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Career opportunities

The main career opportunities for Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment graduates are:

Manager of artistic and cultural institutes, companies in the media and entertainment sectors

Role in a work setting:
Graduates work on all activities related to the management and development of institutions and companies working in the creative industries. In particular, they work on planning and financial control of cultural and creative activities and personnel management with particular reference to coordination between artistic and administrative personnel, production of creative events such as live shows, exhibitions, cultural events, as well as the communication and marketing of such events. Graduates also work on finding public and private financial resources through the planning, implementation and evaluation of fundraising campaigns and procurement of public funding.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge of the operational methods and cost-effectiveness models of artistic and cultural institutions and the media and entertainment sectors. Their skills are related to mastery of the main company functions with particular reference to the functions that allow them to have relations with internal and external stakeholders (artists, financiers, users/clients, policy makers). In particular, skills developed for working in creative companies are related to the ability to lead and work in mixed work groups, i.e. those including professionals with different cultural backgrounds, business problem setting and problem solving skills, the ability to modernize existing production processes in cultural institutions and creative companies.

Career opportunities:
In addition to traditional cultural institutions (museums, theaters, auction houses, galleries, non-profit organizations, festivals), graduates will work in creative companies such as companies in the publishing, film, television, fashion and design industries.

Cultural projects and policy expert

Role in a work setting:
Graduates work on all activities related to the analysis, formulation, implementation and assessment of cultural policies and projects for public and private institutions. In particular, graduates assess the effectiveness and the suitability of alternative policies, projects and programs, within the creative and cultural sector.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge of the economic dynamics of the creative sectors and the methods of intervention of public administration and non-profit organizations in those sectors. In particular, graduates have in-depth knowledge and skills for analyzing the external environment and the study of the needs and necessities of interested stakeholders; they are therefore able to formulate projects and programs that meet those needs. They use techniques appropriately for assessing the outcomes of projects, programs and policies developed by public institutions and private companies.

Career opportunities:
Graduates will work at foundations or public administration bodies that support projects in the field of art, culture, media and entertainment.

Last change 29/06/2023 11:32