2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Educational objectives

The Master of Science in Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment has the following educational objectives:

  1. provide a business preparation (management control, planning management, marketing, government and strategy) taking into account the different business functions in order to work in the areas of contemporary arts, cultural heritage, media, tourism, show business and fashion; and to understand the evolution in the arts and culture;
  2. provide a unitary understanding in the various sectors of arts, culture, the media and entertainment, especially in the choice of strategy, governance and economic character of companies belonging to the same field;
  3. complete the business and juridical studies providing competences in subjects as economics and quantitative and juridical, so as to develop interdisciplinary problem analysis skills;
  4. develop behavioral skills via ad hoc seminars and via in / out of class activities related to courses, namely skills in communication, in interaction, in addressing complex issues;
  5. promote fluency in English to work effectively and efficiently; proficiency in a second EU language (Italian for non-Italian native speakers). Finally, to foster a wide-ranging culture to develop critical thinking and to delve into cutting-edge topics

Last change 29/06/2023 11:31