2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Career opportunities

The main career opportunities for International Management graduates are described below.

Management expert in an international company

Role in a work setting:
Graduates support management activities within one of the organizational units (planning, marketing, operations, human resources, etc.) in companies working in global markets and multicultural contexts, with the aim of implementing company strategies. These activities include, for instance, helping to identify international markets in which to operate and the related products, implementing development strategies on a global scale, implementing supply chain and operational systems in international settings, monitoring and comparing economic-financial performances of the various branches and implementing policies for developing human resources with multicultural profiles.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge and advanced skills that allow them to have an overview of the main dynamics characterizing companies working in a global context (in particular, planning, marketing, operations management and human resources management skills, etc.). They are therefore able to contribute to the development of strategic plans, marketing plans, operational flows and procurement models, instruments for the recruitment and development of human resources, for both internal consistency (among organizational units) and external consistency (regarding specific features of the global markets in which it operates). Graduates can also assess performances in light of the strategies defined using advanced empirical methods and theoretical models.
Lastly, they can also interact and adapt to situations characterized by diversity of both a cultural nature and of cognitive models.

Career opportunities:
Graduates will work in medium and large multinational companies with a strong focus on international markets and international organizations.

Consultant for international companies

Role in a work setting:
Graduates analyze the specific features of companies and the competitive processes of international markets. Based on these analyses, graduates contribute to supporting companies in defining competitive international strategies in line with the characteristics of the companies they offer services to. As an example, they may support companies in various sectors in analyzing the competitive dynamics of the market of reference, clientele segmentation and analyzing competition.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge and advanced skills for dealing with strategic problems and the unique features characterizing international markets and multicultural contexts. They possess the ability to analyze and understand industry- and culture-specific features of the companies they support. They also possess advanced quantitative knowledge and abilities of both theoretical methods and empirical methods and can apply them in strategic analyses aimed at supporting the decisions of the company it offers its services to.

Career opportunities:
Graduates will work in: international consultancy firms or companies specialized in global markets, strategic consultancy firms, organizational consultancy firms, consultancy firms in finance and accounting.

Last change 29/06/2023 10:01