Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Career opportunities

The main career opportunities for Finance graduates are described below.

Corporate and investment banking expert

Role in a work setting:

As a financial analyst, graduates will work on company assessment, activities connected to issuing securities and capital in regulated markets, assessing credit risk of clients for financial intermediaries and assessing structured financial operations, in close collaboration with senior analysts and relationship managers.

Skills associated with the role:

Graduates possess qualified knowledge in the field of company assessment and the main operations of investment banking (issuing securities, capital, mergers and acquisitions, listing new companies), in addition to the techniques of assessing credit risk. They also possess solid skills in terms of quantitative finance and derivative instruments, and the methodologies needed to assess operations, including complex structured financial operations.

Career opportunities:

Graduates will work primarily in financial institutions in the Corporate or Investment Banking divisions, or in investment funds dedicated to unlisted companies or startups (private equity or venture capital funds). At times they will work in consultancy firms or finance boutiques specialized in services of corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and private equity.

Quantitative finance and risk management expert

Role in a work setting:

Graduates work on the structuring, sales and trading of financial instruments, including complex instruments (derivatives) or, in collaboration with more senior roles, make investment decisions within management companies. Alternatively, they can carry out roles in research and macroeconomic analysis or analysis of risk management (in collaboration, for instance, with the Chief Risk Officer in financial institutions).

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge of methodologies for the assessment of financial instruments, including derivative instruments, and methodologies for assessing credit and market risks. They understand the main statistical instruments suitable for analyzing and estimating the main macroeconomic and financial variables. They are also able to combine these quantitative skills with the ability to evaluate the securities subject to assessment and decisions at the level of fundamental analysis.

Career opportunities:
Graduates will work in financial institutions active in stock markets, bond markets, credit markets or derivative instruments, or in capital management companies or financial consulting firms. At times they will work within insurance companies or ratings agencies. To a lesser extent, they will work in supranational organizations such as the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Investment Bank.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00