2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Second year of studies

During the second year of studies students can freely create their free track by choosing 3 elective courses which correspond to the 18 credit points referring to educational activities chosen by the students; the allocation of electives is subject to the official approval of the MSc Program Director or his/her delegate to Academic Services. Please note that 6 out of 18 credit points relating to the courses chosen must be referred to one of the following subject groups: Theory and principles of management (SECS-P/07), Corporate finance (SECS-P/09), Company and business law (IUS/04), Labour law (IUS/07), Taxation law (IUS/12), European law (IUS/14). (See Subject Groups published on the course profiles The MSc Program Director is available during office hours to provide more information concerning the program structure. Office hours are published on the website at

According to an agreement between Bocconi University and the Consiglio dell’Ordine Territoriale di Milano dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (Chartered Accountants and Accountants Territorial Council of Milan), CLELI students and graduates can make use of some facilities to access to section A of the Register of Chartered Accountants.

Last change 29/06/2023 11:29