2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Career opportunities

The main career opportunities for Data Science and Business Analytics graduates are:

Business Data Analysis Specialist

Role in a work setting:
Graduates’ role consists in supporting: market analyses, planning, strategic choices with tasks related to analyzing data in order to produce timely information to support decision making. Examples of activities are: profiling clients, identifing emerging trends for the development of new products, monitoring consumer sentiment about the company in order to extract information within the organization or identify new business opportunities.
Graduates work in close contact with managers and clients to transform data into critical knowledge and information that can be used to inform the organization’s strategic decisions.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge of the use of statistical software for data analysis, including non-structured analyses, advanced data collection skills, data cleansing and database architecture, knowledge of the use of programming software and the ability to collect data through application programming interfaces (API). They also possess solid business skills related to assessing corporate strategies.

Career opportunities:
Industrial and service companies in public/private sector, especially consumer goods manufacturing firms, large retailers, consulting firms, public utilities companies.


Data Sciences Specialist

Role in a work setting:
Graduates perform tasks related to the application of statistical models to extract data properties and develop predictive models, as well as tasks related to the design of new statistical algorithms to optimize big data management and analysis.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess advanced skills in the use and development of Machine Learning algorithms and stochastic processes, optimization algorithms, and models and predictive models. They also possess advanced knowledge of the use of mathematic and statistical software, programming software and database management and the ability to collect data through API.

Career opportunities:
Research offices within public/private institutions; research centers; public/private firms /insitutions, especially financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, public utilities companies.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00