Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Description of the educational path

The Master of Science in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology is taught in English.

The first part of the study plan includes mandatory courses in the students’ study program as well as seminars for the development of behavioral skills.

The second part of the study plan includes educational activities chosen by the student focusing on specific subject areas, e.g. management of technology and innovation, information systems, green management, bid data and business analytics. It is possible to draw from the Bocconi curriculum as well as that of other universities (mostly foreign).

There are also seminars and other educational activities aimed at fostering a wide-ranging culture.

In addition, the mandatory educational activities include:

  • 3-month work experience (internship or similar);
  • two EU languages: English as a first language for all students; the second language must be different from their native language (Italian is mandatory for students who are not native Italian speakers;
  • the thesis, significantly characterizing the educational track. 

Study experiences abroad, from one semester to one year, are encouraged (Exchange Programs, Free-Mover Semester Program, Double Degree Programs.

Last change 12/07/2023 10:42