2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Educational objectives


The Master of Science in Economic and social sciences has the following educational objectives:

  1. provide advanced studies in theoretical and applied economics, to understand key aspects of current economic and social systems necessary to carry out highly qualified professional activities in the socio-economic field;
  2. allow the student to personalize advanced studies in specific areas of theoretical economics (e.g. microeconomics, macroeconomics, monetary economics, development economics) aimed at pursuing the required competences or to enroll in a PhD program at national or international level or to access in roles of applied economist in companies or institutions;
  3. complete the economic and quantitative studies providing competences in subjects as business and juridical, so as to develop interdisciplinary problem analysis skills;
  4. develop competences via educational activities inside and outside the classroom which promote student-teacher interaction and interaction between the students themselves as well as complex problem analysis and problem solving skills, ability to present and discuss the results of one’s work;
  5. promote competence (in the business area) in the use of English and of a second EU language to work effectively and efficiently in one’s profession.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00