2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Description of the Educational Path

The language of instruction of the program is English.
The program is structured into two areas:

  • the first area (of all years of studies, despite being concentrated in the first year) is largely in common with other 3-y degree programs and involves basic training in the economic, quantitative, business and legal fields;
  • the second area is characteristic of the program and includes:
  1. basics of logic and critical reasoning in the first year;
  2. micro, macroeconomic and statistical analyzes in the second and third years (in the second year with elements of game theory, public economy, theory of competition and market structure, theory of finance, dealing with the same methodological approach to favor an integrated learning, the third year with elements of international economics, insights into research methods in the field of economics and social sciences, the link between culture, social norms and development);
  3. In-depth studies as part as social sciences in the second and third year (such as cognitive sciences, sociology, and organization theories make it possible to understand the choices of individuals and groups in a market context).

Students can then adapt the last part of the study plan to their individual goals through the activities to be chosen by the students (courses passed in Italy and/or abroad, curricular internship).

In addition, the study plan also includes:

  • activities to develop IT skills
  • two languages of the European Union different than the student’s native language. Italian is mandatory for students who are not Italian native speakers.
  • final paper

The prerequisite for enrolling in the first year 2023-2024 of the Program is an English level equal at least to B2 (in accordance with European Language Framework) (see the table).

Last change 20/07/2023 11:15