2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Professional and Work Opportunities for Graduates

Junior professional profile in the field of public policy at the national and international level

Position in the workplace:

Graduates in International Politics and Government work as an internal resource or external collaborator, mainly supporting more seniors roles, carrying out roles in analysis, communication, implementation and assessment of public policies.

Skills associated with the position:
Graduates in International and Government have the basic skills needed to carry out the main functions described above. In particular they can:
- examine and interpret elements for the external environment and their changes, considering the historical, legal, economic, sociological and political landscape, including with an international perspective;
- have a mastery of qualitative and quantitative analysis tools suitable to defining public intervention policies and the assessment of their impact;
- study the lines of action for institutional and public communication, applying the most appropriate tools and techniques;
- complete activities supporting political and administrative leadership (e.g. documentary research, writing reports and minutes, organizing meetings).

Career opportunities:
- Main opportunity: second-level studies
- Main career opportunities:
* international, national and local public institutions (e.g. municipalities, European Commission, United Nations)
* companies working in highly regulated sectors (e.g. energy, environmental and mass media sectors)
* political analysis institutions and research centers

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00