2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Educational Objectives

The cultural and professional profile for graduates in the program meets the following educational plan:

1) provide strong grounding in political, economic and sociological studies as well as in the quantitative field to allow the understanding of economic, political and social dynamics (at national and international levels) to be governed by institutions;

2) distinguish the educational path with:

  • a broad and comprehensive preparation focused on political and historical studies, as well as an adequate education in legal studies aimed at the acquisition of the theoretical bases relating to the development and functioning of different political systems and regimes, to ways of formulating and evaluating public policies at national and international levels, to the evolution of relations between countries at national and international levels and to the inner reasons for differences in legal systems among various countries;
  • a specific preparation focused on the study of economic rules and principles applied to political and social phenomena, on reasons for state intervention in the economy and on analysis of how public policies are implemented, with particular attention to mechanisms that facilitate effective and efficient management of the organizations involved;


3) develop competences, beside knowledge, by means of:

  • workshops (interdisciplinary learning activities) that encourage the capacity to understand socio-political issues from different standpoints;
  • seminars to develop negotiation and mediation skills, as wells as marketing research skills applied to public policy;
  • standard courses taught in innovative ways that encourage student-teacher and student-student interaction (capacity to put forward one’s opinions, to work as a group, to set and solve problems);
  • compulsory Exchange Program (one term abroad) to facilitate integration into international contexts (the exchange experience is not mandatory for the 2022/2023 a.y. for the BSc in International Politics and Government);

4) develop competencies aimed at mastering IT tools and two EU languages, for effective and efficient operation in a professional context.

Last change 11/07/2023 16:19