Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Educational Objectives

The Business Administration and Management (CLEAM) 3-y degree program has the following educational objectives:


  1. provide a solid basic preparation in business, economics, quantitative and juridical subject areas to critically understand the economic-juridical context in which companies, public bodies, financial institutions work;
  2. provide a vast preparation in business subjects to ensure a command of all issues regarding company management applied to different types of enterprises (manufacturing, commercial, services, etc.) as well as the economic contexts in which companies operate (industrial, financial, etc.);
  3. promote knowledge acquisition and the development of applied competences relative to the various business functions (organization, strategy, accounting, planning and control, marketing and sales, logistics, production and innovation, corporate finance, etc.);
  4. develop competences besides knowledge via educational activities inside and outside the classroom which promote student-teacher interaction and interaction between the students themselves (ability to express their opinions, to work in group, to negotiate) as well as developing problem setting and problem solving skills;
  5. develop competences to have a command of business, computer skills, and the use of two EU languages to be effective and efficient in the professional sphere;
  6. stimulate students to responsibly evaluate the consequences of their decisions in the professional sphere.

Last change 11/07/2023 15:45