Course 2015-2016 a.y.



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 22
EMIT (6 credits - II sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/10)
Course Director:

Classes: 22 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

We aim at creating marketable Internet ideas. We aim at fostering entrepreneurship and Internet aware managers. We have built our course around a business plan required from attending students. This business plan should include your novel ideas along with a professionally crafted financial forecast.

Then, we present our ideas to the real world business community, composed of angels and institutional investors. Don't be fooled by a naive reading of the course name. We don't just discuss Facebook and its siblings. We analyse the whole Social-Web phenomenon in its entirety and we derive the most important functioning rules. Then we create new and powerful Internet business related projects, in a safe test-bed. Better to be mistaken now than in your next real world project. We aim at avoiding the mighty failures of the two previous Internet bubbles.

We don't want to create products that just appeal to a wide public, we want to have a sound business model as well. This course is designed to develop a student’s ability to find, evaluate, and develop raw technical ideas into commercially viable product concepts, and build those concepts into business propositions. The course focuses on theories and techniques for evaluating Internet technologies commercial capabilities, for fundraising, for designing customer-compatible applications, for understanding the crucial role of the organizational support.

While the course is focused towards venture-funded Internet startups, the pedagogy is sufficiently general so that the knowledge and skills are also directly applicable to Internet adoption within a corporate environment. From the first Internet wave, we have seen enthusiastic people throwing themselves into the entrepreneurial web arena. However, a number of diverse factors caused few to succeed and many to fail.

It is not just a matter of ideas, technological capabilities, or viral diffusion; sustainable business models are required to avoid the growth and the burst of a new Internet bubble. We try to foster conscious entrepreneurship, to take advantage of the endless possibilities of the web and to avoid traps and common mistakes.

Course Content Summary

  • Internet related technologies and their business models.
  • Selling your idea to Angels. Where is the money?
  • Designing your interface and selling your idea to customers.
  • Organizing your Internet business and your team.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods


For Non attending students
One-shot written exam (essay &/or multiple choice questions)
For Attending students
  • 80% Business Plan, max 30 pages, Font size: 12pt. (PDF, ALL included, no exceptions!)
  • 20% Elevator Pitch 
  • + peer evaluation


Non Attending Students:
  • R. Stutely, The Definitive Business Plan, 2012, prentice hall


  1. Zahra S.A., Bogner W.C., 1999, Technology strategy and software new ventures’ performance: exploring the moderating effect of the competitive environment, Journal of Business Venturing
  2. Euchner J., Slywotzky A., 2015, Business design (interview with Adrian Slywotzky), Research-Technology-Management
  3. Bewaio E.D., 2010, Pre-start-up preparations: Why the business plan isn’t always written, The Entrepreneurial Executive
  4. Sinha S., 2015, The ExplorationExploitation Dilemma: A Review in the Context of Managing Growth of New Ventures, VIKALPA (is name of the journal)
  5. Roig-Tierno N., Alcázar J., Ribeiro-Navarrete S., 2015, Use of infrastructures to support innovative entrepreneurship and business growth, Journal of Business Research

Attending Students:

  • R. Abrams, Successful Business Plan (Secrets & Strategies), 6th edition, 2014, PlanningShop (MANDATORY)
  • J. Mullins, The New Business Road Test (STRONGLY SUGGESTED) + papers made available on the E-learning platform (MANDATORY)

Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 27/03/2015 12:44