Course 2008-2009 a.y.



Department of Social and Political Sciences

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
CLEACC (6 credits - II sem. - CO)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

This module focuses on key theoretical readings and in class viewings that enable students to form complex, critical and analytical understanding of the photographic image as expressed in contemporary culture. Emphasis will be made on exploring the photographic image in a variety of contexts such as documentary, artistic, fashion, editorial and news. The theoretical approaches will deal with visual studies, semiotics, mythology, history, sociology, religion and psychology.

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate a detailed understanding of key theoretical approaches to the study of the photographic image on a visual, aesthetic, social and psychological level; to identify key areas of debate concerning self-identity and the photographic image; to synthesize and communicate in English their own theoretical evaluation of a photographic project using relevant theoretical and personal evaluation techniques

Course Content Summary

This module provides a theoretical and practical approach to understanding photography and contemporary visual culture and aims to:

  • Provide students with the key theoretical tools to evaluate and challenge complex photographic usage that highlight contemporary ethical concerns and issues of sociology and psychology relevant to the concept of self-identity
  • Enable students to engage and debate with professional analyses and critiques of pho- tographic works as complex and contextualized visual events
  • Encourage students' ability to articulate their own discursive approaches to the study of the photographic image orally and in written form to their peer groups
  • Direct students to identify areas in the study of photography relevant to their interests and to develop appropriate strategies for conducting research from a range of textual and visual sources.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Il voto finale di questo corso è interamente basato su un unico esame finale scritto in inglese e chiederà allo studente di esprimere la sua conoscenza in merito a specifici strumenti analitici a lui disponibili riguardo la cultura visiva, la sua conoscenza circa il lavoro di uno specifico fotografo e la sua capacità di analizzare e contestualizzare un gruppo di immagini per quanto riguarda le questioni contemporanee di identità, genere, globalizzazione e cultura


Howells Richard (2003). Visual Culture, Polity Press, Cambridge

Szarkowsky John (1963). The photographer's eye, MoMa New York

Berger John (1990). Ways of seeing, Penguins Book, London

Barthes Roland (1993). Mythologies, Vintage Classics, New York
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 29/04/2008 10:08