Course 2007-2008 a.y.



Department of Economics

Course taught in English

Activated only for students who are part of the Bocconi-CEU agreement

Go to class group/s: 17
DIEM (8 credits - I sem. - CC)
Course Director:

Classes: 17 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to study the role of labour and human resources inside the firm. It is divided in two parts. The first part studies personnel economics, the microeconomic approach to personnel issues, and shows how economic analysis can be successfully applied to the study of personnel issues. The key issues analyzed are recruiting strategies, optimal wage policies, turnover policies and  promotion. The second part anaylzes organisational behaviour focusing on the management of people inside organisations. The course takes a managerial perspective to understand human behavior in organisational settings and how to use human resources to drive the firm to attain its goals.

Course Content Summary

Part I: Personnel economics (microeconomic approach to personnel issues)

  • Trade-Offs at the hiring stage
  • Recruiting policies and workers' selection
  • Optimal wage policies
  • Career and seniority incentives
  • Training on the job
  • Job creation and destruction

Part II: Organisational behaviour

  • Bases of human behavior: Cognition, motivation, learning, decision-making.

  • Organizational coordination: Communication, impression management, negotiation, teamwork.

  • Organizational structures: Elements of formal and informal organization.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

There will be a written exam covering both parts and a partial exam at the end of each part.


  • P. GARIBALDI, Personnel Economics in Imperfect Labour Markets, Oxford University Press, 2006 .
  • G. JOHNS, A.M. SAKS Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work, Prentice Hall, 2005 (6th ed.).

For further and continuously updated information consult the IEP web site or contact SID - Servizio Informazioni Didattica - Institute of Economics - via Gobbi, 5 - Room 313.

Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 13/09/2007 16:49