Current Research

My main field of expertise is non-cooperative game theory.
My main interests concern the more conceptual and foundational aspects of the theory.
In the last few years my research focused on interactive epistemology in dynamic games, games of incomplete information and psychological games. (How do players their beliefs about the type, behavior and beliefs of their co-players? How can we model belief-dependent motivations?). Recently, I have been exploring the (self-confirming) equilibrium implications of non-Bayesian attitudes toward uncertainty.
I also began to explore issues related to contract incompleteness.
(How do writing costs affect the form and extent of contract incompleteness?)
In some of my research I apply these theoretical ideas to specific economic issues, such as bidding, signaling, disclosure, self-enforcing agreements.



I am a Fellow of the Econometric Society. I am member of the Editorial Boards of Econometrica, Games and Economic BehaviorInternational Journal of Game TheoryResearch in EconomicsRISECTexts and Logic in Games  and Theoretical Economics.


In the last few years I have co-authored papers with Chiara Aina, Giuseppe AttanasiGiacomo BonannoEmiliano CatoniniSimone Cerreia Vioglio, Gary Charness, Carlo Chiarella, Roberto Corrao, Nicodemo De Vito, Alfredo Di Tillio, Martin DufwenbergAlejandro FrancetichAmanda FriedenbergChiara Fumagalli, Astrid Gamba, Stefano GattiEdoardo GrilloGiacomo LanzaniPaolo LeonettiFabio Maccheroni, Giovanni Maggi, Elena ManzoniMassimo Marinacci, Rosemarie Nagel, Tommaso OrlandoFabrizio PanebiancoAntonio PentaPaolo Pin, Andrea Prestipino, Michele Polo, Jeffrey Reuer, Carlo SalvatoDov Samet, Federico Sanna, Thomas SargentMarciano SiniscalchiAlec Smith and Pietro Tebaldi.

Last change 15/05/2020