
Gino Zaccaria is professor of Aesthetics and of Method, Critique and Research in Artistic Disciplines for CLEACC program [BSc in Economics and Management of Arts, Culture, and Communication]. Former professor of Introduction to Philosophy (2002-2007); Theoretical Philosophy (2001-2002); Philosophical Hermeneutics (1995-2004); Methodology of Human Sciences (1994-95); Logic and Philosophy of Science (1983-1995).

He is scientific director (together with Maurizio Borghi and Ivo De Gennaro) of the international journal “eudia — Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art” (, and (together with Mauro Carfora and Ivo De Gennaro) of the international research project "ScienzaNuova" (

He is affiliate at ASK-Bocconi, and is member of Società Italiana di Filosofia Teoretica (Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy), of Societé Française de Philosophie, and of Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien, Meran.

His research interests include: Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Ontology; Greek philosophy; Logic; Philosophy of Time, Philosophy of Art; Italian Philosophical Lexicon.

On this page you can find a selection of his publications.


Last change 03/11/2021