Theses/Final Papers guidance of the Department of Management and Technology

The final paper /thesis is the concluding step in your experience in the Bachelor/ Master of Science Program. You are expected to demonstrate your intellectual and personal maturity and your ability to apply the concepts that you have studied during your years at Bocconi. The final paper and in particular the thesis require effort and commitment. Adequate time and serious planning must be dedicated to it. Any final paper* /thesis should start with a preliminary investigation of the possible research topic. This topic should be novel, interesting, and feasible.

* The interactive Guide for Producing the Final Paper is the starting point for BSc students who want to start thinking about how to structure their paper or who are getting ready to write it. Designed as a module-based course that covers the fundamental stages for 'building' a final paper, the interactive Guide is available starting from the second year of the program, in the yoU@B Student Diary in Graduation> How To: Useful Info for Graduation. For correct bibliographic citation in the paper, the The Guide for producing the Final Paper  should be accompanied by the Guide for Bibliographic Citation and Writing the Bibliography.

This page is the starting point for identifying the research topic. You will find a complete list of the research areas that are covered by the instructors of this Department, who are the possible supervisors that you should contact in order to develop your project.

  • Identify your research topic
  • Choose your supervisor/advisor Professor

Detailed information regarding the administrative procedure is available on the Guide to the University:

To draft a project to submit to possibile supervisors in the Department for a MSc. thesis:

  • Guidelines for a MSc. thesis in the MNT Department
  • Template for a MSc. thesis project in the MNT Department

For further support you can contact - during their office hours:

  • Thesis in Organization: Prof. Paola Bielli ( - Prof. Marina Puricelli (
  • Thesis in Strategy : Prof. Irene Dagnino ( for final papers - prof. Fabio Quarato for MSc. theses (
  • Thesis in Innovation and Technology : Prof. Silvia Zamboni (

You can check the following guides designed by the Library to create your research strategy and find relevant resources and tools: Management and Technology, Bibliographic Research Skills, Writing your dissertation