Guides to the university

2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

9.2.3. Choice of electives

When enrolling in the second year of studies (25 July - 29 August 2019), where applicable, students must choose their major and both first and second semester electives to be included in the study plan, selecting the language of instruction.
During this period students can also change the major and electives previously chosen.

ESS students are reminded that in order to allow them to attend lectures, if they make any changes to their first year study plan during 25 July - 29 August 2019 the new elective courses are positioned in their second year study plan. For this reason exams can be taken after the end of the semester in which second year courses are held.

Before choosing the major and electives, students are advised to check the list of courses available, course profiles, class timetables, and the tables of "Incompatible" and "Banned" courses and Subject Groups available in the course profiles (

When enrolling in the academic year, where applicable, Bocconi students participating in an international program should choose elective courses coherent with their interests in case they have to sit for some exams at Bocconi (*). They will be given the opportunity to change their study plan after they have completed the conversion and recording in the academic career of exams take abroad (see 9.2.7 Study Plan Change for Students Participating in International Programs). In addition to the periods for all students (25 July - 29 August 2019 and 8-21 January 2020), they will have one additional opportunity through yoU@B (see “Allocation of Electives”).

Students who include even one exam without correspondence in the study plan as an elective course are required to change to a free track or Global experience (for students enrolled in M and ACME), if they had previously chosen a different track.

The educational offer for the 2019-20 academic year includes also an e-learning class group for some courses already taught in the same semester using traditional methods.
If required, when students are asked to choose their elective courses, they must specify the learning method (either traditional or e-learning) as well as language of instruction of electives offered both in Italian and in English.

(*) For students enrolled in M and ACME MSc Programs: the “Global Experience” major can be selected ONLY after having had the recognition of courses passed abroad.

Last change 23/07/2019 14:24