Guides to the university

2012-2013 A.Y.

Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)

6.6. Additional courses

Additional courses are those whose credit points provide more than the 300 credit points needed to graduate. They may be selected from elective courses  and foreign language courses and can be included in the study plan for a maximum number of three only after exams for courses related to the first 3 years of studies have been passed.

In calculating the grade point average a maximum of 2 exams are taken into consideration (those with the highest marks and, if the grades are the same ones, the course which is worth a higher number of credit points is considered).

Students can choose additional courses by completing the form that has to be collected and submitted at the Academic Affairs Division Desk during the 1 August 2012 - 22 January 2013 period.

Additional courses can be cancelled by handing in an application to the Academic Affairs Division Desk. An activity recorded with a passing mark cannot be eliminated.

Last change 25/07/2012 17:04