2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

1.6.2. Theft and loss of ID card

If the personalized photo ID card has been lost, stolen, damaged or if the magnetic strip no longer works, you should immediately:

  1. deactivate it using the “Your ID Card” widget. This will ensure that your card is not used improperly by third parties (e.g. to illegitimately take out book loans from the Library);
  2. In addition, if the card has been activated for banking operations, you should immediately contact Banca Popolare di Sondrio to block the card at the phone number: 800.822.056 (+39 02 60843768 for international calls).

To issue a new Bocconi ID card:
  • if the card is lost or stolen, a replacement fee is charged;
  • if the magnetic strip no longer works or the card is damaged, a replacement is free of charge only upon submission of the damaged card when collecting the new one.

For details about the procedure for re-issuing the Bocconi ID card (students), see Requesting ID Card Replacement.

Last change 01/06/2019 08:00